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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Like any other small worm.
  2. If it's a Contender, Seacraft, Regulator, or something similar, ok, other things you are taking your chances. It does more often than not comes down to the Captain over the boat though.
  3. Very true. Doing admin for the Navy for over 20 years, executing retirements for Sailors was one of my duties. It either went really well or really badly right after retirement for most. I have to say that for me personally, while I don't miss the endless meetings and the beating my head into a wall, I do miss some aspects of it, especially molding and helping junior Sailors.
  4. No, try ginger, it really works, not ginger flavored things or things made with ginger, the root itself. Tiny like 21-23 ft?
  5. Other than not going to work, I don't do anything different now that I'm retired. For those who think you need a job or something similar after retirement for whatever reason, more power to you, and everyone is entitled to do or not do whatever they desire before or after retirement. "If jobs were fun, they would have them at Six Flags and charge folks money to ride them"
  6. Fish the other side this time of year.
  7. Does Duke Medical Center have a psych dept?...
  8. 10/10 braid main line, mono leader.
  9. LOL. I own probably a dozen, but can only find 2 or 3 at any given time. They are reorganizing, so they should still be available. There is a German made one that is similar and better, but hard to find and more $.
  10. Tea tree oil and cut up drier sheets in Richard's pet shampoo, Toggy was prone to seizures, and a lot of the meds made it worse.
  11. They filed chapter 11 recently, oh the irony... Best small hook sharpener ever.
  12. Sometimes fish want a spinnerbait, and sometimes they don't (goes for pretty much every other bait too). Give 'em what they want. I start out folks trying to "learn" a spinnerbait with a small one with some weight, usually doesn't take long for them to catch on.
  13. I do the same but with a small barrel swivel. I also slide one or two bobber stops up against the knot, keeps the sinker from pushing the bait down.
  14. a) Because tackle companies are in the business of making money b) Pad Crasher and Trophy.
  15. I don't buy tackle that much, and I can stop any time I want...
  16. Blame the snap, nice...
  17. No, J braid is quite a bit thinner than most other braids, and I said I can spool 50, not quite 40, but almost.
  18. I put myself through college hustling tennis and fishing, (plus BEOG) so yeah...
  19. I had heard Jersey had good schools...
  20. No. It's a SONAR, and S is for?...
  21. Fish can certainly hear braid, in some cases it can be an issue, I've only found it to be minimally so with bass, but with other fish it can make a big difference. I don't fish braid much because I can hear it, and it annoys me.
  22. You trying to explain something to her for an hour is goofy, and useless... Men and women are different, and that's a good thing.
  23. You can certainly disconnect one of the terminals, a better option would be a switch at the terminal or inline.
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