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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I see this a lot from righties touting left handed reels, they often try to cast while semi palming the reel, sad...
  2. Yeah, all the guys with the "never a swivel!", will tout the split shot from atop a soap box, bassheads is funny.
  3. Add security cameras, don't let Thomas Crown in, and sure...
  4. Not a lot of folks know this, but that is the trick in trick worm.
  5. I had to reread this to make sure we were talking BCs. I also grabbed a rod, and double checked real time. I always palm the reel with the pinkie, ring, and middle finger gripping below the rod 1/2 to 1 inch ahead of the trigger, and the index wrapped around the front of the reel and the thumb on top, if I am not moving the bait much, my index and thumb gravitate toward each other and meet pinching the line ahead of the line guide, and hand slides up a tad, you know, like a human...
  6. Not usually, but situationally I'll add a bb swivel a few inches ahead of one or use a split ring to attach one to the hook.
  7. I keep hearing that you need to go in a SKIFF and read you in if you have the required clearance to get this information, or maybe knot....
  8. Put them up on the wall, cordon off an area around them with some velvet rope, set up some good lighting for them (making sure there is none in the UV range) and charge folks admission to view them, oh and don't forget the "No flash photography" sign...
  9. Not a fan, I haven't found it adds anything or works when other things won't.
  10. So you are shredding trails while the wife pedals to the coffee shop in the retro mixte?
  11. Support them from the balance point. I have my surf rods on the garage ceiling on 1x4, and the tip is held down by a 1x2 which barely applies any force at all.
  12. Pretty good, the hotter it is the less we cook indoors, and it's been hot here.
  13. You gotta take them out of the rolls...
  14. About to make it drizzle up in this joint...
  15. I am philosophically opposed to denaturing perfectly good alcohol...
  16. Sounds like it's speaking to shallow summer bass. Good cover in this type of structure with deeper water near by is a good strategy. I have a couple of places where bass will sit in 1-3 feet of water in essentially a mud flat all summer long. That being said, in larger bodies of water with good deeper habitat, most bass, specially larger ones will spend more time in the deep (I don't like the term "offshore" for fresh water fishing, confuses the issue).
  17. Tell them you're Scottish, and the bra just matches and was on sale.... I don't use a skirt when punching.
  18. Soylent Green...
  19. You guys should see what DIY bicycle mechanics bring in sometimes into the shop. Invariably they come in after they've exhausted their YouTube expertise, and we are only too glad to quote the job... "First we have to undo all of this, then we have to determine what's damaged, and then we get to the part where if you would have just brought it in in the first place"...
  20. Sure, but there is so much more to it, I'm not a fan of a jig in cold water (yes you read that right) particularly as it is warming as opposed to cooling, also the action of the trailer is less important than how you fish the jig most times. Hackney is one of the best sticks there's ever been, I'd listen to anything he has to say, particularly about jigs.
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