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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. There are a few baits that retain their price well due to demand de jeur, for all others, no more than $2. We go through a bunch of them each year on our donated tackle for our non-profit.
  2. I killed one on a back cast late one evening a while back.
  3. Looks like a different way to disengage the pinion gear, I'll stick with a lever drag on a jigging reel, there is very little casting involved, mostly just holding on for dear life hoping you don't get yanked in the drink.
  4. Same on the gear ratio, but I'd go with a Fuego instead, a smaller reel is not joint pain friendly, young guys need not reply...
  5. Tarantula, Bat, $500 swimbait, at least 2 of each...
  6. In some cases it is the same thing, but mostly leader material is stiffer and harder than line. You can use line as leader, but leader as line will behave as if it were, what's the word I'm looking for, oh yeah, fluoro...
  7. Everything from redfish and flounder to sharks and tuna. One of my favorite places to fish on the seaboard.
  8. I have a big problem with alcohol, I'm running low on bourbon...
  9. For a little while anyway...
  10. No, you run your ridiculously overpowered vessel balls to the wall in a maze of reeds in 3 feet of water until one of the laws of motions takes effect... I keep reading about them fishing "offshore"...
  11. Not an issue when you come off plane and set the spread on the west wall of the canyon after a 3 hour run, and troll the edges cause there's over 1000 feet of water. Anyone using it for navigation is an idiot.
  12. LOL, that's why I left out the powdered sugar...
  13. You do realize that "someone" is going to recommend pretty much every rod made, yes?...
  14. Ridiculously tiny guides are silly...
  15. You can DIY one from pretty much most 2d look down transducers. Two things to keep in mind, you want a good transducer with enough juice, and you want to mount it so it faces straight down while on plane where it won't "see" much turbulence or bubbles, and you want to mount it where it will be in contact with the same surface opposite the water with no gaps or foam in between, as far as mounting it, you can glue it with epoxy, or sit it in a bath of oil, I guess that's more than 2 things... There are also true thru hulls, but drilling a big hole on the bottom of your boat takes some fortitude. Still have the "hockey puck" from the 26 Regulator, couldn't do it to the 23 Seacraft, went the shoot thru route on her, God I miss that boat.
  16. Modified broken back Long A. I don't do "techniques" so anything that creates a wake on the surface or just below it, I fish as such. A spook in the right hands wakes well.
  17. Yup, a decent sized pair of needle nose. Now as to the why, for me 2 reasons; - To maximize hook point exposure vs weedlessness. In really heavy slop, they get flushed against the plastic, in lighter cover or pads they get bent up slightly off the body. - To offset the points so they are not symmetrically identical to each other in the same plane.
  18. Are you sure it's not a Stu Apte? The the tag comes off to the right...
  19. Loop knots make me sad, but that's a good looking perfection one...
  20. Yeah, but the hot Nevada sun is beating down on your head, what rod under $100 do you like better? That was me, I recommended stopping five threads ago...
  21. Darn, that's the only one I need for Bingo, Have pretty much everything else.
  22. Belgian giant one with fruit, whipped topping and syrup...
  23. Again? or Still?...
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