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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. LOL. We actually have a 7 1/4" miter saw with a fine carbide blade in the shop to cut carbon seat posts and steerer tubes, but you can get a really square cut with two radiator hose clamps and the right blade by hand.
  2. 15 lb braid isn't abrasion resistant, but it is fairly strong. I'd check the hook eye, some have a gap or rough edge where it meets the shank.
  3. On a heat pump or AC, the start winding leads of the compressor and fan motor are connected to the respective terminal of a dual run capacitor (labeled herm and fan), the run winding leads of each are connected to the common terminal of the capacitor with the same side of power, and the common leads of the compressor and fan motor are connected to the the other side of power. And more importantly, 240v doesn't tickle...
  4. I never use anything other than 100% cotton (Navy uniform white Ts) and a bit of water on the field, Ivory soap hand wash at home, no hard scrubbing. Anything else with or without grit and salt will scratch most lenses in short order. When not on my face they go in their pouch and case.
  5. Some know much less and yet are very successful in college and pro football...
  6. And a Ford is a Ford, and a Chevy a Chevy, except when they are a Mazda or a Toyota. A "boat" comes down to the running bottom, and the build quality, everything else is just the layout and parts specs. But if you need the nameplate, that's ok too.
  7. They catch fish, but I like other LC RC clones better.
  8. Brakes and tension too loose for angler skill level and newish braid. I like PP for frogs precisely because after it breaks in, it flattens out, and digs less on big casts, I like it when it barely fluffs during the cast, and evens out towards the end. When I'm trying to play pad stalk lumberjack, I use a noisier rounded blade, I mean line...
  9. You can't see the 2 red 5/0s?...
  10. And when you do catch her, take her to NASA and have her show them how to properly recycle used rocket motors , and use redundant fuel sensors.... Smart fish concept exists only between the ears of (poor) anglers...
  11. Amateurs...
  12. I don't size baits to the size of the fish, I do size baits to match prevailing forage and time of the year. I catch a lot of little fish on big lures and big fish on little lures, and everything in between.
  13. No joke, one of our customer's got one half his age from I forget where, and had a heart attack within six months, be careful, maybe watch some carnivale videos...
  14. Oh man, I thought this was gonna be about a mail order bride...
  15. Yeah, I know a guy around here that fishes for crappies and sunfish with them, and he catches big bass and pickerel as a bycatch quite often.
  16. I think the monkey needs a logo like Underwriters Laboratories, so we'll know what' safe to buy...
  17. I'm sure they can, but in the case of bass, I think it will be the altered swimming action that an injury could cause that will be a stronger trigger.
  18. Most prey items camouflage really well and have evolved other forms of behavioral and structural defenses, yet bass fill their bellies with them everyday. Barring extreme conditions they have no trouble identifying and eating them, will a couple get away? sure, but It isn't often. When a bass (or any other fish) "misses" a lure on the other hand, it is usually turning away at the last moment.
  19. Campbell, Cochran, Wheeler,... ZZZZZZ
  20. Commercial fishing with a rod and reel, recs!...
  21. And yet it catches fish. One of my custom built pin hooking sticks is built on and ugly stik blank.
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