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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I prefer around Brazilian lingerie models
  2. Cowering in the corner with my tail between my legs... I think I hear a banjo, but it's hard to tell cause the waterfall is drowning it out...
  3. As much as foreign fishing fleets and rolling gear, it's what decimated the cod grounds in the NE, saw it first hand in I want to say mid 80s.
  4. I do stick mostly with Shimano and Daiwa reels though...
  5. No, I'm all over the place with tackle.
  6. +/- 1/32" of course...
  7. 234 feet 9 1/8 inches.
  8. You guys are driving nails and screws through your hands and fingers and not feeling it? Slow down, learn how to do it differently, or cut back on the opioids...
  9. Psst, ix nay, eshay utscay airhay
  10. Doesn't matter, fishing is fishing. Different fish and fishing for them will teach you things that translate into other types of fishing. A lot of bass guys fish in a bubble of their own making that fools them into thinking that bass fishing is somehow different, it's not.
  11. No, because there are several skills and experience that are lacking in bass fishing.
  12. Doomed, bass only or bass mostly anglers are their own worst enemies. Look at most of the best bass anglers, and they have a multi species back ground that doesn't involve dogma.
  13. LOL. I'll let my Penn 145 know, it's always complaining about being used with crab and clam for bait...
  14. Actually squidding is a horizontal jigging technique.
  15. "I like it, so everyone should like it" syndrome.
  16. Nigel Tufnel's ex...
  17. Small cats, any Heavy bass rod (or even some MH) with a mod fast action will do. When you move up to cats over 30 lbs or so, then you want more stick than that. An ugly stik is a good choice, I like the Tiger rods for big cats and using bait inshore salt for a good inexpensive rod.
  18. If I wanted an electric motorcycle, I would buy an electric motorcycle They make us a lot of money though, and they are becoming very popular, and almost mainstream. When we get bored, we race electric trykes around the block, so far only one emergency room visit...
  19. Just missed you... We had a club bike ride starting out of the park across the street on Labor day, and I got there way early, so I headed to the ramp, just to see what was going on, it was right about 8 AM, stayed there for about 10 minutes (went into the base to get coffee and a coke) and liked what I saw, I'll be there sometime soon. Finished up 54 miles by noon(ish) so that wasn't bad, but the last 10 miles were rough.
  20. Depends on the body of water and the distribution of forage, the opposite can be true, and often is in some places.
  21. Yup. I'm always amused by guys that think they can hang with pros in any sport.
  22. 67 feet 6 1/4 inches.
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