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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Absolutely. Anything else is bending the rules. I'm surprised other anglers don't challenge the ruling. I know in the salt, you break a rule knowingly or unknowingly, and you can kiss the check bye bye.
  2. "Nomenclature is the haven of the incapable"...
  3. Grab the hook that is on the fishes lip with needle nose and twist until the point is facing down and shake with a sudden stop. I usually don't even take the fish out of the water. Positive control at all times is the key.
  4. Mama Cocha frowns on that sort of thing...
  5. Not really, action mostly is used to describe the arc of the bend, what you are describing is the recoil or rebound speed, also sometimes referred to as crispiness, I've started holding my mood ring and quartz life crystal close to the blank and humming at 440 hz to determine it since reading some of the things put forth on it here...
  6. I like the airport flight schedule boards, where half the flights are canceled, and the other half are cancelled (and the other half delayed)...
  7. Hormones don't make you fat, and they can't violate the laws of conservation of energy. Sure they regulate how food is processed and absorbed, but if you eat excess calories, and you don't burn them or expel them, you are going to turn them into fat. It is true that attempting to burn off calories to loose weight is a waist (pun intended) of time, but a sedentary life style will cause your body to accelerate converting and storing excess calories.
  8. Youse guyses' pizza sucks!... Now just work on dropping the g from the end of words, and changing the r to an a, like this, "I'm not goin', it's all the way in lawn guy land and Marie is gonna be there, she's such a whoa"...
  9. If your wife is hot, I can help...
  10. Not at all, I don't choose what lure to use based on "what I want to catch them with", as a result I don't fish just one lure (but also don't fish a ton of different things).
  11. "Darn the facts, I know my truth"...
  12. Ecuador sucks! Viva el Perú! Cuye frito con tacu tacu y papas fritas.
  13. Nope, upper lip on top of lower teeth works. My turn, guinea pigs are delicious...
  14. Action is where the rod bends, taper is the physical measurement of the blank along it's length
  15. Not odd at all. I can see how from a consumer's perspective, it's "why don't they just make more now", but, (and I hate to sound like my Zeppelin IV vinyl) but companies, no matter what their product or service, are in the business of making money, and moving production on a niche item, which I'm guessing is not one of their best sellers, doesn't make financial sense, also they probably have already contracted production slot times at a given rate. Trokars are horrible hooks by the way.
  16. Twisty undone knot is operator error, switch to a palomar or uni, and cinch them tight, problem solved.
  17. LOL. The only thing that goes against my sensibilities is not coming back to the dock with rimmed coolers...
  18. No! You have to sprinkle unicorn horn dust on your rod to change it's action, pixy dust for the power...
  19. What you did was correct, but 40 feet is way too close, I would say a long cast as a minimum.
  20. Soft cat food kibbles for bait, and Purina poultry chow for chum, you'll catch them all.
  21. I throw chatters on my spinnerbait rod, which is a 7' MH Mod Fast, as long as it's not too fast, and not too crispy, it works for me, not really a rod critical bait IMNSHO.
  22. I don't think it's a matter of can you catch bass with top water lures in cold water, you can, it's a matter of there being better options as the water gets colder. I'm sure I could catch them with top water lures in water colder than 50, I just don't most times.
  23. A "non-dairy whipped topping propellant" stupor?
  24. In the slop, 50% is where you are going to be around most days, some days higher some days lower, however anywhere that there is openish water like pads or scattered grass laying on its side, I want to be around 80%, again, sometimes higher, sometimes lower, but If it's a lot lower, there is something else going on.
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