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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. There will always be an opportunity for small niche shops, but most are/will be based around famous or very good fishing, long gone are the days of small local shops in most neighborhoods, but that's true of a lot of businesses. There is just no way to compete with the volume, reduced overhead, and market share vs profit mentality of internet sellers.
  2. LOL, that actually works well a a substitute. Let me hear you say quinoa...
  3. Only because in bass fishing the BC set ups are heavier than the spinning ones. Step up to larger set ups, and the motions are almost identical. Yes, but that is misleading. When optimized, a spinning outfit will always outcast a BC with lighter lures.
  4. Yeah, that's an insult, I'd rather they just do away with it all together.
  5. Que bien. That looks authentic, nice job. I make it a lot cause the Gringa wife won't eat cau cau, which I really like. The key to that recipe is getting the aji amarillo/turmeric ratio right, and getting the right consistency with the crackers.
  6. Thank the Christ!...
  7. No, the willow and Indiana will hit first because of their length...
  8. I guess you could tee off with a wedge too...
  9. Yup, if you are casting overhead, and are close to it, and somewhat consistent with the mechanics, then the lure can't help but travel in line to the target, any variation in timing or stroke will manifest in missing the target short or long. When casting off that angle there will be an X and Y component which will vary independently (reason why your second serve in tennis should be primarily a topspin). So one isn't more or less accurate with an overhead v a side arm, it just appears that way. Like a golf stroke, tennis serve, or acquiring a target and pulling (misnomer) the trigger, the key is consistency derived from the muscle memory of repetition. While the stroke and release are different in BC and spinning, they share a lot in common, I find that besides the timing of the release, the follow through direction is off when folks can't cat accurately.
  10. Yeah, and after, I'd get canonized...
  11. $24 for a mug is abominable...
  12. I ate 1/2 of my wife's B-day cake last night, I also fell just short of 80 miles in 4 hours on the bike the day before, so I'm not feeling too guilty....
  13. Unless it's a place I've never fished before, I just go there. The time of year, and the weather for the last few days gets me started, after that, I let the day dictate.
  14. This reminds me of when folks thought titanium chains and cogs were a good idea in cycling... #brassballsbrassgears
  15. Yes, but Mr Dobyns would pull a strand of spaghetti out of the pot, put some guides on it and call it Heavy/Fast...
  16. Other than at the dentist's waiting room, I haven't looked at a magazine since the last century, so no...
  17. LOL. Bass guy after they get a scale "That can't be right!"...
  18. I can't believe I haven't been offered a residency yet, two shows a night, and all the travelling is killing me, I'll be here all week...
  19. So you were annoyed cause you can't fish?...
  20. I'd put my feet up on the seat and pretend to be asleep on the way to Ronkonkoma when the conductor came by with the funny hat and hole punch..., deep breaths...
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