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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. No, I use needle nose and surgical tubing, works much better.
  2. Absolutely. The ocean isn't salty because it started out that way, it is salty because minerals are washed into it by rivers and concentrated by evaporation.
  3. Oh it's broke. We do a vacuum resin repair thing on carbon bike wheels and frames, I've done it on a few splintered blanks (cause I get bored easily) with mixed results.
  4. Bass can't read packaging..
  5. Seedless of course...
  6. You don't have to use a swivel, but I always do. Don't let the "I don't like rooster tails because they don't spin right" crowd dissuade you, they catch fish, as do most spinners.
  7. It will work as is, but a hitch mounted support will really make it stable. We've made a few for some folks.
  8. Yes, but the number is skewed by designed thefts...
  9. Glad to see it, remarkable accomplishment. He says he's not hanging around to pad the numbers, good on him. 3 of my nieces are Met fans, I never let my brothers live it down, ALL RISE!
  10. That's not till next year...
  11. If only there was a way to have some kind of mechanism or lever that one could pump, or maybe even turn, attached to the rod, preferably near where one holds the rod, so that one could tighten the line before setting the hook, I'm off to the patent office before Bulldog sees this...
  12. Academy runs clearance sales in the "off season" every year, the sky is not falling...
  13. So like a .357 for the pickup and a .22 for the Prius?...
  14. I hear that the draft proposal to confiscate all guns if folks can't keep and use them responsibly was declassified...
  15. That reminds me, tell your sister I said hi...
  16. I'm so gonna be first on line to your estate sale...
  17. You guys remind me of the guys arguing about which of their bikes climbs hills better, When the conversation invariably comes to me, preferably 1/2 way up the climb, I just answer "whichever I'm sitting on at the time", then proceed to explain, only to find out I'm talking to myself...
  18. Second only to fishing where the fish be.
  19. Walking baits are usually bombed casted past the target, so the grenade splash isn't usually an issue. When throwing into the target area itself, an underhand pitch like cast where the lure does not get much altitude, and a feathering of the spool just before impact will quiet it down on impact.
  20. I find chasing threads one of my favorite things to do in the shop, part science, part art, and lots of $ from DIY bicycle mechanics...
  21. Because a Tactical guy said you needed one on the InterWeb, and bass guys are lemmings...
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