Variables yes, but not so much the number or size of fish (bass) caught. I use mostly BG and Ande mono, but there are several others that perform similarly. Being salt water lines, knot strength and shock resistance (stretch characteristics) are both high, which means that unless the line is compromised, a 2-10 lb fish isn't going to be able to stress it enough to significantly weaken the knot. Now if it gets scuffed from cover or otherwise, or if I straighten out a hook or bring back a big portion of a tree after getting stuck, and I get the "oh, this one might not come back" feeling just before it does, then yeah, that's retie time. I find 12 lb the cutoff (pun intended), anything lighter and I start to maybe think about knots, I use uni and palomar mostly.
More importantly, went into Fan Duel, and couldn't see the odds or how to collect Waymont's $...