LOL. A while back I was working second shift with the Navy and my wife would leave the house between 0630 and 0700, sometimes earlier for work. I got into the habit of getting up early, so we could spend some time together, maybe have breakfast. (Not bragging, but the master bedroom is huge and has a cathedral ceiling, so it's the perfect place to practice pitching to 20 feet). I set up 3 targets (mug, roll of duct tape, and small Bustelo coffee can) next to the bed, and I'd just practice as we talked, I got so good, I'd go around her feet, (yes of course I set them up where she gets ready, keeps the marriage fresh... ), and once (and only once) landed it on top of her foot and in one of her shoes. I'd call the shot and start doing sillier and sillier stuff. I'd usually keep doing it for maybe 1/2 hour after she left. Really helps with the muscle memory. Of course this went on mostly in the winter and horrible weather...