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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Yeah, but that assumes that we are fooling fish into thinking lures are forage, and that is often not the case. I've never seen baitfish riding tiny helicopters with blades whirling above them, yet spinnerbaits work great.
  2. Yeah, there are all sorts of ways to do it, but a proper cable setup should work well.
  3. No, but it brings me back to my tennis days, Client: "which racquet and strings are good for my backhand?"... Me: "What backhand?"
  4. Pretty much every crank has a silent version. I like the LCs and DT6s, but they all work, but if you suck with noisy cranks, you gonna suck with silent ones...
  5. I think the better question would be where would you throw it. Judging the size of a body of water, in person, or on a chart or map is a usefull skill for anglers. Depending on the cover and grass, a t-rigged plastic, a swim jig, a chatter, a spinnerbait, a crank, and a JB is probably all you need, and they will most likely bite any of them, but that is just a general plan, every body of water fishes differently at different times.
  6. LOL. Back in elementary school days we would play stickball and touch football in an empty lot in the neighborhood, and then one spring they started building new houses on it, there was a cinder block foundation, and someone had laid a 6x2 (or maybe an 8x2) across a part of it, so we started riding our bikes across it, on the 3rd time through my front wheel went off it and I landed on my thigh right on the board. My entire left quad looked like one big black and blue for weeks, hurt like a mother too. I'm not convinced time actually exists...
  7. I'm pretty sure NASCAR guys would prefer not to have their cars splashed with candy bar and laundry detergent logos, or BPS...
  8. I dunno, just too easy not to maybe?...
  9. Ripping gills is just an expression, just like..., no I'd better not...
  10. Here's how we do it, Get a 5 gallon pail and cut a v notch about 1" wide, and 3/4" deep (doesn't have to be exact), fill it with about a foot of water (optional), lift the fish into the bucket using the heavy(ish) mono leader (did I mention no fluoro?), now depending on how the fish is hooked, either pull straight up and wedge the lure against the notch and pry the hook(s) off with needle nose (note we haven't touched the fish or come near the hooks), or if its deep down, grab a hook (with the pliers) and pull on the leader to control fish, and lip it and then use the needle nose, what helps is to upsize the hooks one size, and cut a point off each hook (the one facing the lure on the front, and the one facing down on the tail) sounds like a lot, but in real time it takes maybe 10-20 seconds if that. Or a gaff...
  11. So togas and orgies too?...
  12. Yeah, and for half that you could get a bigger mansion in Iowa (or Djibouti)...
  13. I love how guys use spring scales by reading it, pressing down on it, and then releasing it slowly to maximize reading, see it all the time with the Boga scales, I might patent after market already rusty springs...
  14. They have fishing info shows on short wave in between how to prep chatter?...
  15. No, I had a helmet on, and was pressing my face on the rear glass...
  16. More like special, while I have your attention, please sign my petition to change the slow children at play signs...
  17. Yes, but can you flip with them using monofilament line and a XF rod?...
  18. Bass fishing, I'm probably 65%-35% BC to spinning, fresh water overall probably closer to 50/50, In the salt, I'm mostly conventional, with spinning reserved for certain niches.
  19. LOL. I have a great story about accuracy and precision from a previous job, we were developing some products, and I was crazy busy with a bunch of things and we were in the middle of some important stuff when someone starts with some nonsense about a tension calibrator (which was essentially a digital scale) that was his pet project, I forget exactly what I said, but it was basically, "just do it", and he comes at me with "It's not linear, linear, do you know what that is?" It went downhill from there, and we covered most aspects of measurement in a pretty loud voice with everyone else watching with wide eyes, he finally left in a huff, and I can't tell the really funny part here, but every time I saw him, I would say "[blank], do you know what that is" every time coming up with the simplest thing I could think of. About a month later the owner comes to me and says "you have to stop, Herb can't get stuff done" So I look at him and say "Stop? What is that?" He just shook his head and walked out. Herb and I made up, and he followed direction really well after that.
  20. There is only one 1/8 oz spinnerbait, Stanley. They make a few different versions, I prefer a single blade, but they are all very good.
  21. I don't know, long before the InterWeb, The Onion, Alex Jones, Perfect pillows, and non-binary gender identification, folks would be exposed to all sorts of charlatans, snake oil salesmen, and false prophets of all types, and (even those with little formal education) were able to determine what's what. What's the use of our species having such an advanced brain, if we aren't going to use it. There is ample good news sources out there, but it's easier to take in (or shun) the shinny items waved in our faces. Dumb! How do I get behind the curtain on HVAC-Talk?, I have my 608...
  22. I got into listening to Click and Clack and wait, wait, don't tell me on the late night drive down to Norfolk each week.
  23. I just add and subtract weight as required, be it with the hooks, split rings, or additional weight on the lure or hooks. I have otherwise identical lures set up to slowly rise, suspend, or rise at a given temperature. I fish suspending JBs mostly in cold water (usually below 50), so that is where I "balance" them. I have a few with double splits on the nose and/or tail hook that are usually my best producers. Water is at its densest at 39F, (and less so at higher and lower temperatures). Lastly some very good JBs have not so good consistency on buoyancy, so while there is some extra work involved, they are real fish catchers, and (really) lastly, sometimes you want a little more or less rise/sink v true suspending for catching results. Oh, and I'm not gonna call anyone out individually, but.... "The buoyant force is inversely proportional to the temperature of the fluid in which the body is immersed"
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