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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Yeah, that's what the link says...
  2. You can "post" stuff on paypal? Never knew that.
  3. Sounds like it needs a flux capacitor...
  4. I sometimes take the hooks off a popper and use it like a popping cork with a fly or tiny piece of plastic trailing behind it, does that count? Does it need a technique name? Can I fish it from a boat AND from shore?.... Inquiring minds...
  5. Watching the game, I kept thinking of the Rocky movie where Apollo fights Drago, "stop the fight, stop the fight!"...
  6. Keeping it outside here and there is no big deal, leaving it out full time, specially without a cover isn't a good idea, specially if it isn't used much. Most of the damage will be cosmetic, but depending on the conditions, could be worse. Of course if you don't have a choice, there are ways to shield it from the elements.
  7. Getting paid by the word, are we?...
  8. Like buying Norman cranks and saying how well they run?...
  9. You would need the amp draw at the different speeds, and then calculate the watts used per unit time at each speed, and then an approximation as to the actual usage at those speeds. You could hook up a meter that actually reads those #s real time if you were so inclined, OR, you could do the experiment of running the battery down on continuous use per speed, and voila.
  10. X3. It's about having confidence in a milk run, and sticking to it.
  11. That will work, specially if you don't play around too much with it. I read that Shimano is no longer honoring Quantum warranties, so I'm no longer buying any Shimano stuff, I just tweeeted that out...
  12. LOL. Yes, red Loctite gets stored with the 5200.
  13. The only criteria I use on how deep to fish any lure is what I like to call "where they be at?" Surprisingly, applies to boat fishing AND bank fishing...
  14. Side plate should not have play in it (doesn't need to seal like a vault at Ft Knox either) so figure out what's going on there, may or may not be related to the tension knob coming loose (probably doesn't) If it's a new reel, send it back, if not clean out both threads and apply some blue loctite to the knob. Not what the book says, but a little "controlled damaging" of the threads will solve the problem as well.
  15. Now we know where Lance dumped his PEDs when the UCI was closing in on him.... If that fish is male, so was my grandma...
  16. Interesting perspective, wrong, but interesting...
  17. The only concern with an older Skeeter is the older part, and that applies to nearly every brand.
  18. Under $10, I haven't found many that are consistently good. $10-15 there are actually quite a few raging from decent to very good. Concha & Toro is my fallback. I cook with it, and drink it, (often at the same time).
  19. So we are still doing the boat fishing is different than bank fishing thing?... I use lures based on the water, structure and cover in front of me that I intend to fish, if I'm standing on fiberglass, or dirt has no bearing on it. Is this bank fishing a sheer quarry, rip rap 45 degree stretch, a shallow pad field, something in between? Never mind, a Senko...
  20. 6 gallons will last all day with a 15 hp, but as posted above, MPGs are hard to nail down. Easy enough to take an extra 2 gallons or so, (got a lawnmower?).
  21. I have an 8'6" #6, and a 9' #7 that I use for bass. With small(ish) fish, being able to cast the fly effectively is the key, everything else falls into place, so depends on what you are throwing.
  22. Good deal, as soon as I finish El Viejo y El Mar, edicion de Tati, I'll be sure to read it.
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