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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Don't know, but fish bite the **** out of it, specially in dirty Sanchez...
  2. Yeah, "you can crash and fish here for $800 and thousands in labor" sounds like a no brainer hard pass, wait, how's the fishing?...
  3. Didn't some congressman have a similar explanation in the airport bathroom?... "This is not my car, but since I'm here, sup?"...
  4. I get what you are saying, but that's like saying you are competing against the course or the finish line. Ironically, I have actually said that on really tough climbing bike races, something like "the climbs will take care of the competition", I can hear Springsteen in the background (counting his 1/2 billion) "They'll pass you by, In the wink of a young girl's eye"
  5. LOL, we had a week of highs in the 70s with a couple of days pushing 80, it was 32 this morning it will be 29 tomorrow morning, and colder than average for the next couple of weeks, the fish (not to mention the insects) are confused. I got a talking to by the Admiral for procrastinating bringing in the plants...
  6. Depends on the body of water and it's location.
  7. I only drink before or after 4 PM on days that end in Y...
  8. In theory both, that is the minimum rated strength, but the cheap ones are garbage, so don't go by that.
  9. The majority are T1s, (they also made a T2). It's a matter of identifying which version of the T1 you have, there is a big difference. I can tell the difference, but not sure I can type a coherent explanation of what to look for. The best way to tell is fish them hard, the good ones (other than the skirts) will be fine, and the bad ones will be in several pieces only some of which you may get back or not...
  10. How is this even possible? Even with dial up InterWeb?! Yamaha has been the outboard leader for decades, and the Japanese engines (Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Tohatsu) have been demonstrably better for much longer. As someone mentioned, they have been making Mercs too. Johnson/Evinrude has been bounced around from parent company to parent company, and are now all but defunct. I wouldn't buy a Merc with someone else's money.
  11. Quantifying physical properties and measuring resonance isn't rocket science, wait, sometimes it is.....
  12. We are limited to our understanding of existence by the same senses granted us that allow us furthering our understanding of said existence.
  13. Yes, and one infinity is larger than another...
  14. Fishing deeper and/or wanting a bigger profile, at some point as you upsize the blade(s) the SB will get unbalanced if the head is too light, particularly if fishing it faster, or big pike.
  15. I'm gonna be a contrarian here, (imagine that ). Targeting large fish is easy, catching them is also easy, but not common, (most folks confuse the two). Catching a bass around 60% of the state record will be very doable in most states, barring some prolonged negative conditions. If one knows what they are doing, it should take maybe 3-4 years on average. I'm going from experience, on years where I really feel motivated, I expect to catch at least one 8 lb bass each year from the 4-6 states I fish on a semi regular basis, and I usually do, though it's been 3 years right now. My PB is bigger than the MD state record, and I don't expect to catch a larger one unless we move south to where bigger fish live. We might be down in South FL chasing exotics next week, so you never know...
  16. How did we end up with a 7'6"H rod and a 300 sized reel as our first bass combo? or are we coming from somewhere else?
  17. Speechless...
  18. Google nano technical poling skiff...
  19. Don't use them.
  20. I don't like multi tools, but they are nice to have when you need one, so I keep one in the car and boat most times.
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