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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Married 26 years in April, together for 10 years before that. Every so often the Admiral will say "If you are not happy you should marry someone else" To which I reply "why would I do that again?!"... You know, keeps the marriage fresh...
  2. I grew up in Howard Beach and Ozone Park in the 70s, so I kinda lived it without even knowing it at the time. I'm just sorry Little Italy is all but gone, they had a bunch of good Italian restaurants.
  3. We have suckers, but more fallfish in a lot of our creeks, they bite all winter long as long as the water isn't hard.
  4. After they spend enough time in a school, they get an honorary doctorate on how not to get caught, and lunker emeritus status... There is no such thing as smart fish.
  5. If you have enough meat on the handle you may be able to tap it to receive a threaded knob, not something the average angler is probably going to be able to do, and the cost wouldn't justify it most times. I like to tackle (pun intended) the "Can't be done" bike repairs at the shop, just for S&Gs, and to teach my techs some techniques.
  6. Yeah, I can't believe some of the lures some folks are duped into buying...
  7. Yeah, no different than cars, even modest compacts can go over 100 MPH, performance models another 40-70 MPH on top of that, doesn't mean you should try to exit the highway at those speeds, everyone gets that, not sure why some boat guys don't get that. Car or boat, drive the conditions.
  8. Salud! I like Coronas in the summer, and almost without fail I'll order "a Corona no lime", and 90% of the time it shows up with a lime, a lot of times the waitress will put it down on the table and say "oh, you said no lime didn't you?"...
  9. Now you're talking, just be glad you don't have one of these near you... This one is almost 10 miles from me, and I'm always looking for excuses to go by there. They are really good. https://www.bdoughnut-laplata.com/
  10. Nugget tory?...
  11. I have motivational posters on the wall too...
  12. Yeah, some lubes will do that.
  13. Yes. There are several studies on the subject, the gist seems to be that (not surprisingly) bass will travel as much or as little as necessary to spawn, and that it is often driven by the specifics of the body of water as well as the climate, and water levels. If the area you are referring to has a history of being a good pre spawn/spawn area, then it will continue to be so given similar water levels. Of course if the lower water levels persist, then the "new" preferred spawning areas will be somewhere further out.
  14. I think a lot of cat guys are all about the fishing, and not so much about the hype, though you can find plenty on the social media videos and brainless fish InterWeb. We are developing quite a network with the blues becoming more abundant and bigger here in and around DC. It's a goof, and you can chase fried nuggets or giants.
  15. Nice, hey, when you are done kissing tuna and holding little stripas into the camera say "park the car" for me...
  16. Between the "what is the best" threads, guys wanting to hook up blanks to oscilloscopes, and righties that want to be lefties without their wives finding out, I think we have plenty of topics...
  17. You want Americans to pronounce a foreign word properly? I'd settle for proper English, and maybe no extra syllables in the south. We always just called the Gammies.
  18. Compensation ratio, I mean compression ratio...
  19. Enjoy your McRib...
  20. Another train wreck...
  21. You know the expression "running around like a chicken with no head"? that's a real thing, grandma had a bunch of live stock, and it needed to get to the plate somehow, as a kid I would slit their necks and "miss" the funnel on purpose just to watch them do it, so no.
  22. Nope, the fishing is going to be whatever the fishing is going to be because of man made reasons and otherwise. I show up and catch what's there to catch.
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