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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Leaving the wisdom of using one in said circumstance out of the equation, use plain hooks on the outer baits and a 1/8 on the center bait. If you need it shallower (see opening statement) throw it on 30 lb mono.
  2. To shut out the marketing din and understand that there is no substitute for time on the water.
  3. You guys are over thinking this thing, you can rig it with as many or few baits as you'd like, just place the hook baits trailing by about 2-3 body lengths, and/or bunch up the hookless ones further forward on the same plane. The real advantage is the attracting and triggering, not the limit in one cast potential, also, there is nothing magical about 5 arms.
  4. Those look great. Quick question for you guys, I noticed most have quite a bit of spacers between the blades, I don't make spinnerbaits, but I do fiddle with store bought ones quite a bit, and I find I like them closer together. Am I missing something? Smalljaw, what size is that first one?
  5. Bass get to choose the depth they will live in, i'm speechless.
  6. Google "waldorf md bass", and they are biting now.
  7. I think its a no brainer that this thing will be as good if not better on Smallies, they inhabit more open water and school up, no? Repeat after me "fish are stupid, fisherman are...."
  8. I get weird looks when I tell folks I don't use EWG hooks.
  9. Fishing while doing a handstand and holding the rod between your butt cheeks would also make it more challenging, no?
  10. Cause walleye guys aren't as dumb as bass guys....
  11. I think a splash of red is an attractant at times, but I also don't want a fish focusing on my hooks, most baits come with a bit of red on the lower chin, or it can be easily added, I like black nickel hooks.
  12. Not as much weeds as in the past, but still plenty. As Fry said, depends on where and when, there is all types of water in there. Narrow it down a bit.
  13. If that's the case, then this makes a spinnerbait illegal or it unfairly singles out the A-rig, no?
  14. Really, so I guess by "original retail purchaser" they mean anyone with a pulse, also check the registration card, they spell out other no nos, Yes I know your cousin knows a guy who purchased a rod owned by 12 different folks that was stepped on by a stampeding herd of yak and they replaced it no questions asked.........If you make yourself enough of a nuisance, often they will give you a rod to just go away. http://fish.shimano.com/publish/content/global_fish/en/us/index/customer_service0/Warrenty_Services.html
  15. Implied warranty of merchantability. If its defective, its covered, even if its not in writing. In the "take it back to Academy even if you bought it second hand, you don't need a receipt" environment, its silly for a company to offer lifetime warranties, kind of like unfunded pension plans, will just sit on the balance sheet unseen waiting to bite you. Companies of all types will provide the products that consumers buy, not what they say they will buy.
  16. They are just clinging to their guns and religion, this thing challenges the dogma, so it must be evil. Its cheating, it makes it too easy, it takes the sport out of it, it must be banned, etc etc.....
  17. And its not even that cold.........
  18. Umbrellas = lots of fish + 0 fun. They are a royal PITA, but they catch when nothing else will.
  19. I think all tournament anglers should be required to fish out of dug out canoes that they fashioned themselves (unassisted of course) using only hand tools.....speaking of tools.....
  20. If you're on the highest level, you'll do 28 points at MSRP on high end shimano reels. so if they sold the 2500 at (119x2)-20/2 (you do the math) with free shipping they are loosing money, and I'm not even factoring shipping from the vendor and overhead. I know it may not seem like it in this bubble, but TW is a tiny enterprise, cut them some slack. Oh, and shimano is the Nike of fishing, and I don't mean that as a complement.
  21. You're not doing them any favors, at that price they are loosing money.
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