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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Cloudy=gold clear=gold early=gold midday=gold late=gold cold water=gold warm water=gold I will throw a silver one on December 21st, just in case the Mayans were right...
  2. anything under 30 ft i like 20-30 lb mono, over that about a 15 ft mono leader on braid. We pinhook stripers like this, and its a matter of getting a good cadence, they'll hook themselves. like someone mentioned above the rod is the ticket, I like a 7' or 7'6" MH (on the heavy side) not too fast.
  3. It will leave some sticky behind, but won't damage anything, make nice with tennis players and EMS folks, they have nice wraps.
  4. I like 6.3 for most things, but that's probably because that's what I'm used to, I have a couple of 4.7s and 5.3s which I use sometimes for cranking and slow rolling. As mentioned above if you are using different reels, check the IPT or spool diameter to make sure you've got apples all around.
  5. Ah, extrusion exclusion illusion, I like it...
  6. Haven't fished Curtis in a while (used to live in Sprinigfield) caught #s with a finesse spinnerbait, size pitching smallish jigs into the cover, its a lot of work because there is so much of it, but well worth it.
  7. Not a fan, but I spool from 3000yd or 1 lb spools most of the time, those little spools can be a pain in the ****.
  8. Its not hard, but you will loose some line everytime you retie.
  9. I use a 6'6" or 7' medium rod, Pinnacle Matrix (the old one not the new POS) and 12lb big game, it flies just fine, and catches too.
  10. What are you fishing spinnerbaits and cranks with now?
  11. I'm trying REALLY hard to stay out of this.........
  12. Bass Dude for president...
  13. I have a lot of my rods modified, from Walmart specials right up to $illy expen$ive ones, the mod you are contemplating will work well, have it done from the butt, don't let anyone talk you into stripping that blank. Everyone loves to talk theory, I fish with what feels right, I don't care what the specs or #s say. Also keep in mind that different jerkbaits fish best with different actions/powers.
  14. That sucks, but worst day ever?
  15. The old Stanley 1/8 oz spinnerbait gets a lot of play in ponds and small lakes, catches everything. I like shiner/pumpkin skirt and gold blade. #2 for burning, #3 for rolling. Sure you'll catch a lot of dinks, but I've caught fish over 6 lbs on them.
  16. Is it wrong to mount a bass?...... What happens on the lake, stays on the lake......
  17. I like the color in stained water/low light, I use it interchangeably with junebug, blk/bl, and similar colors.
  18. I carry a bunch, but always end up throwing just 2.
  19. Are your casts landing consistently left by a similar distance? or are they all over the place?
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