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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Favorite lure is the zoom trick worm, the lure I caught my PB with is a 4" senko. If bass ate a spinnerbait with abandon all the time that's all I'd throw.
  2. That, or the Chupacabra (Chupatortuga)...
  3. How big is this lake?
  4. I disagree with your disagree, communication will enhance your knowledge of something (book smart) but won't improve your ability or skill, or contribute to experience. Otherwise I'd just read up on brain surgery, and start cutting..
  5. My best flouro advice?....don't.
  6. Give me a 7'-7'4" MH, and a 6'6"-6'10" Med baitcaster, and I'll move the world. Add a 6'6" Med spinning/2500 combo, and I'll move it on cloudless, windless days...
  7. There is a common misconception among many anglers that braid is abrasion resistant. Touch it to rocks, barnacles or pike teeth, and it parts like a drunk freshman coed's (well you know)...Once knicked, it's just waiting to fail once you apply any force. I even use a 30 or 40 lb mono leader on my frog rods (after loosing some to pickerel and these stupid things) with 50 or 65 PP, but to each his own.
  8. I'll pile on the swim jig idea, unless its windy and cloudy, then I may try a 3/16-3/8 in a natural color with downsized gold blades.
  9. I sure hope so, that way I can buy them for pennies on the dollar on closeout and troll them in the salt, as they should've been from the get go...
  10. We may have been separated at birth, I say "As long as their money is green". When we fish for $, we fish for $, and we are going to push the rules right to the edge (hope they aren't made of flouro).
  11. We fish a lot of salt water tournaments, and my take is that as long as the rules apply to everyone equally and they are spelled out in advance, the tournament can make the rules whatever they please. That being said, I think banning a particular lure because its different is silly. Now if they said no multiple lures, and banned front runners, donkey rigs and the like as well, I'd be ok with that logic.
  12. I catch one every 4 to 5 years on average, some years I fish a lot, some not, I don't know what that makes the odds. I don't chase DD bass, although I do concentrate on times when larger fish are more accessible. I get as much of a kick catching #s as I do big fish, depends on what mood I'm in.
  13. If you are barely reaching the fish with a 30 yd (a real 30 yds) cast, a crankbait is probably not what I'd be using. That being said, 30 yds with flouro is pretty good, with the right rod and 10-14 lb mono, you may be able to up that distance, but I'd still question the tactic, but hey, whatever works...
  14. I can't think of a situation where I'd do that.
  15. Fish how you want to fish, but no matter what club you feel most comfortable with, sometimes you need a putter, and sometimes you need a driver...
  16. Psychologists cal it random reward conditioning, its the same reason gambling is so addictive.
  17. Wait!...a rod that comes in different lengths? I don't believe it.
  18. Bass don't read lure reviews or know how much they cost. A strip of white plastic bag on a hook will catch them, and that costs 0.
  19. No, that will tell you exactly what the gear ratio is. Since there aren't endless possibilities, it will eliminate the alternatives, its going to be a little under 5 a little over 5 or a little over 6. If you are really anal and bored, you can cut a piece of tape to cover the spool and place 10 equidistant dots, and a matching dot on the body. Something about 4 degrees past TDC....
  20. My forearm is burning just reading that...
  21. Don't say that to the Lew's FanBoys, they'll start twitching and tell you how they are so much better than all the other reels coming off the same assembly lines... That being said, I've been fishing essentially the same reel with all the different badges for over a decade, so they are good...
  22. A lot depends on the bottom composition, and how the fish are relating, but a big jig, carolina rig, T-rig, jigging spoon, and a crankbait that will get down there are hard to beat. If they are down there and they won't bite bass lures, I hit them with some salt water jigging lures, that usually seals the deal. I don't really enjoy fishing for bass deep, and I'm on a frog bite right now so....
  23. I stopped reading at Color-C-lector,... Son!!!
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