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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Littering, No!....Drinking and driving, Hell No!
  2. If its happening with all or most rods, it probably has to do with how you are holding the rod. If you don't wish to change that, you can modify the grip by reducing or eliminating the trigger to whatever feels confortable. This could entail having a rod builder doing it, or you can grind it down, and fill it with bondo or the like. I don't like a long skinny trigger, and wouldn't mind rods without one at all. Another thing I do is wrap handles with tennis overgrips. It comes down to personal preference, and what feels right.
  3. No of course not. Everyone knows LMB prefer live plastic, rubber and wood... Easy meal is easy meal. I've chummed LMB with crawfish bits and minnow chunks. Its a rare fish (of any species) that will turn down free food.
  4. $1 WalMart buzzbait, $.97 BPS Super Spots, Academy cranks go on sale for $1.97 fairly regularly, The $2.99 DSG fat free shads (and usually some other lures too) are a no brainer (with the $10 off $50 purchase coupon of course), and the closeout bin is full of plastics that will catch fish.
  5. Yes, when pitching, or throwing large lures that like to get launched. Also with certain baits, I like to use a slightly heavier oil in the bearings, which allows for less braking. Sounds counter intuitive, but actually results in longer easier casting, essentially the bearings become a defacto micro brake.
  6. Yes, in the salt. When tournament fishing for sharks we step up to 600 mono with a 4-6' single wire leader.
  7. Hey guys, a couple of quick questions on SHs. Has this year been much slower than in the past (here on the Potomac) or is it just me? Also with soft plastics, do you think color makes a difference? Particularly as it concerns different light levels/time of day. I'm headed out this week, and I don't have a solid plan, other than frogs.
  8. The best lures for gar have no hook at all...
  9. Whatever needs to happen to catch fish, and that includes mutilating lures...
  10. A properly modified Pop-R will catch as well as a Rico. Another thing to keep in mind, is that not all Ricos are created equal. I own about 30 Ricos, and about the same # of Yellow Magics, and they're all a little different. So I'm not above modifying them as well. I picked up some Xcalibur Zell Pops from DSG last winter ($2.99, couldn't help myself), and modified one, by shaving the lower lip, got rid of the trailing tinsle, and put on the right feathers, and its real good.
  11. x2 on locking down the drag. I fish buzzbaits with 15-20 lb Big game or 50 lb braid.
  12. Bacon grease...
  13. If you were happy with your last rod, match that. I find a 6'6" Med/Fast, and a 7' MH Fast covers 90% of what I need to do. Also as you're finding out labels don't always help much, they can be all over the place. I'd suggest actually playing with the rods you are considering.
  14. You were there and saw it live (and judging by your thumb you've seen a few fish ) So yeah. There are several less popular sunfish and basses that look quite similar, and can be easily misidentified.
  15. I'm pretty sure that's a shellcracker. I like catching them in the spring with a fly rod. Warmouths and Rockbass do look similar, but are usually colored differently. I don't get too many, but when you run a lure by them they are very aggressive.
  16. Sounds like the lures you are trying to cast are too light (or the rod is to heavy depending on your perspective). Additionally, at the risk of offending St Croix fan boys, The Mojo is just not a great stick, and 6'6" MH is probably the one rod I would outlaw if I could. Your mileage may vary.
  17. I think you should go into business for yourself, or seriously consider it now or in the near future if its something that interests you, just not in retail fishing in a small town. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  18. There is nothing risky about it. It is a guaranteed failure. The only way to possibly make it work would be to be convenient to a popular fishing location, but guess what, there is probably someone there already. I'm into sporting retailing (not fishing, I'm not that silly). For us we need about 600,000 local residents per location to make it work. There is only one reason to go into business for yourself, and that is money. The worst thing you could do is go into it because you "love the sport". We buy out shops that started that way pennies on the dollar quite a bit.
  19. Don't do it, unless you are a trust fund baby in need of a hobby. You'll learn a lot, but you'll dump a ton of money effort and time into it.
  20. Grab your not so favorite larger reels and MH to H sticks, check your drags to make sure they are somewhat smooth. If you top shot your reels make sure your connecting knot is up to snuff (or better yet respool). After a days fishing, with the drags not backed out all the way lightly mist the reels with fresh water for a couple of minutes (you don't want heavy pressure) and dry out in the sun, lube levelwind, and a light coat of some petroleum spray you have around. Rods get the same treatment, or washed with soap if using bait all day. If you are fishing the ocean in Fl, be aware that the salinity is quite high, and can damage gear much quicker than some other places. I really like Jig and flipping sticks for inshore salt water. I've caught some nice snappers, grouper, jacks, cudas, tarpon, and sharks on them over the years. I have 2 older flipping sticks that only see saltwater duty any more and are among my favorite rods.
  21. Good, I don't see my favorite, **** (gr)ass **** frog in the list...
  22. No, but I use painted lead most of the time cause I don't like handling bare lead. I use black and brown ones, and I've never seen it make a difference.
  23. wrap some aluminum foil on a hook, shape to taste. Pinch a split shot against the hook (paint eyes on it if you must) If you have a hook and split shot around, and are grilling anyway, total cost $0...
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