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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. That is the discontinued Lew's minnow. The XTS is almost identical, but I like the older one better.
  2. t-rigged zoom ultravibe craw. Caught a lot on a finnesse spinnerbait too.
  3. Yes, but not in case they are stolen. I use the same reel for just about everything (own about 30) and it helps to keep track of maintenance and line spooling intervals.
  4. Family doesn't count. With others, I always pay for gas and other incidentals or try to really hard until it becomes ackward.. When on our boats, its expected but never requested. Just the way we were brought up. Owning, maintaining and running a boat is expensive enough. The "He would have gone anyway" math, just doesn't make any sense to me. LMB guys have it easy, try filling up over 200 gallons and burning most of it in a day or two, not so bad right now, but when it was $4, fueling up was painful.
  5. All that is required for a shorter butt is a hacksaw, making them longer is a little more involved, but still easy. Oh, and unless you own a Smart Car, a 7 foot rod will fit in there.
  6. Same. I keep my lures in 3600 or 3700 boxes or hanging off coffee cans, and just take what I'll need for the day. When fishing local, that's usually just a couple of things. I move around quite a bit and hike in and out of some remote spots, so less is more. Sometimes my wifes' pruning sheers are the most important thing with me.
  7. "What's a good fluorocarbon line?" The only good flouro is a dead flouro...
  8. You can throw a wakebait on lighter line or a shallow CB on heavier line. Bandit 100 on 20lb mono runs 1-3', 1 minus on 10lb runs almost 2'. I have some Academy and BPS CBs that see a lot of this duty as well.
  9. Dibs on the technique name! Chicken Necking Frontrunning... Yeah, it works. I usually use a finesse plastic instead, cause I have them handy. But feathers catch everything, salt and fresh. Weakfish are making a comeback FYI...
  10. Worm man, look into changing the ADHD meds, and let me know when you want to go fishing. The answer to your questions are on the water not online.
  11. I'm pulling out my Jefferson Airplane vinyl, and my tie dye tee as we speak. LMB guys is funny. Puff, puff, give...
  12. I don't use and loose a lot of them, but I rely on inline spinners at certain times for various species. I just throw them in a 3600 with no more than 4 in each compartment, makes it easy to put all in palm and pick the one I want. If you are OCD organization angler guy, pool noodle or pipe insulation cut to size will make a great way to stick the hooks in and keep them put, fly guy style.
  13. Can you fish a crankbait with a spinning reel? Yes.
  14. Go straight braid or mono, no need to use flouro. Depending on where and when you are fishing, there is a chance to hook a fish that will get you to the backing, so don't. On a baitcaster I'd go 30 braid, or 20 mono. MD guys use 10-15 lb braid with a leader a lot, I don't see the sense, but to each his own. If you are fishing deep stick to the braid.
  15. I wouldn't go to a legal forum to get fishing advise, so..... Just saying...
  16. 3 and only 3 hackles, 3 and only 3 mylar strands and really thin thread for me. I only use them on poppers. I find bulk defeats the purpose in this application. I do tie them from 1" to 2". sometimes it makes a difference, and you really cant trim them.
  17. I find less is more when fishing from shore. This is me loaded for bear, usually I have just a couple of lures with me, depending on where and when I'm fishing. The only time I'll take an extra 3600 is if I'm fishing new water.
  18. Need, Stella, LMB... Made my day.
  19. Where did I leave the extra strength Aleve?...
  20. a bit over 7 on a wakebait (ultra shallow crankbait).
  21. micro guides and aluminum (by any other name) gears...
  22. The SK is the one I like. I don't know what hook they use, but I've caught 100s of bass up to 8 lbs on it, never had a problem. had a big snakehead once spin one into a mess, and the hook never budged. Wire the skirt on, so it won't fall off, and you can whip grass off on the water.
  23. Oh, Great! Now I have to order gluten free swim jigs?!
  24. Bass will jump all over that. The only disadvantage over a "standard" bass spinnerbait is that due to the short arm and loose jighead, it won't come through weeds as good, but its doable.
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