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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Kate Upton, and I'd only bring jerkbaits and spooks...
  2. I don't own a single "muskie" lure, but catch my share on larger bass lures and things from my surf bag. Large bombers, dannys, and bucktails with 8" twister tails never seem to fail to get interest. I just tape over where it says "designed for striped bass" on the lures. Same thing for rods, most of my salt water inshore rods make good muskie rods.
  3. I sometimes use 10 lb mono on a 2500 sized reel. It will work ok if you pick a soft, limp line, and don't try to cast light or wind resistant lures. As others have said 8lb is the sweet spot.
  4. As someone mentioned above, in a typical (is there such a thing) TN reservoir, shad is going to be the primary forage. This is not to say that at times bass wont key on other things. Every body of water is going to be different, but any fish that fits in a bass' mouth is fair game, as are crayfish, and any other like sized aquatic creatures. And while bass will eat mice, snakes, small birds and other such things, there just aren't enough of them routinely around to be anything other that an opportunistic snack. In tidal waters, you have to add juvenille salt water fish to the equation. I do very well with killifish colored baits in the Potomac for both bass and snakeheads.
  5. One of the best reels ever made. I've caught a lot of things in fresh and salt water with it.
  6. I hate those things, not so much for how they hold the reel, but how they feel while fishing. I sometimes wrap my middle or ring finger around that area. For your issue, try wrapping a little painters tape around both reel feet.
  7. Were I to use the same rod for poppers and jerkbaits (I don't), it would be a 6'6" Medium Fast.
  8. Just tape up anywhere it says bass on the rod, and you should be good to go. Muskies aren't know for schooling...
  9. This ^. When possible, I try to figure out what they are eating (if anything) and make the lure imitate how that bait would behave when it sees a bass. A lot of times it's slow and steady, and then a sudden acceleration. Barely reeling a wakebait, or gurgling a single colorado often does the trick. On really tough nights I break out the largest crazy crawler I can dig out of the box.
  10. Did you leave a note where you found it?
  11. There is no question that wacky rigged plastics will catch fish when other baits won't, but for me it's like watching paint dry, so it's always the last thing I try.
  12. I use the smallest hook I can get way with, but then again, I don't consider myself a bass fisherman. The way I go about hook selection is, i find a bait I like, then find a hook that works with it. I find the hardest thing to find is a larger hook that isn't too long. I even sometimes custom bend them on the fly.
  13. Thank you for volunteering with this worthy event. Yes, fish will hold most baits for much longer than most folks think. Of course there are times when they won't. On anything with exposed hooks, I just reel down to load the rod and then sweep. Another interesting related item that may not be obvious, if you stop pulling, the fish will stop pulling.
  14. tiger rods are indestructable . Cast larger and larger lures until you find the sweet spot.
  15. Is it something in the water?...
  16. There are two ways to look at this: 1) Your great idea is actually a terrible idea. b. Your great idea requires taking into account the physical interference between the blades, and once addressed the possible effects of constructive or destructive interference between the resonance of each blade on the desired outcome. Science Mr White!
  17. STOP! I want to take bass anglers (or is it fishermen) seriously, but ya'll make it hard. Expressing the weight in lbs and fractions of a lb has nothing to do with the metric system, nor is it in any way more accurate than using lbs and ozs. It enables one to express the weight using one unit of measure instead of two and forgoes having to use fractions of an oz if the same degree of precision is desired.
  18. It won't, cause we are having the wrong conversation. If we start with the premise (as most answer allude to) that there is such a thing as "bank combos" and/or a proper number of outfits to carry, we have missed the point. Not unlike "boat" fishing, it depends on where, and how one intends to fish. If you are going to a familiar place and bringing 5 rods and enough tackle to make your chiropractor smile, shame on you. Additionally, are you fishing an expansive dam wall with no obstructions and deep water in front of you? or are you hiking 2 miles and have to kneel and sidearm to make a cast in a small opening, missing the low hanging branches, while at the same time fending off the hissing Canada goose? Every situation is different and require the tools that best (or at least adequately) fit the job. Adapt and conquer. Ok, off my soapbox...
  19. boat position and depth control Danielson...
  20. Very well, thank you.
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