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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. It's how I've always done it. I don't care who designed it, the manufacturer, the material, or its intended purpose. I know what I like and what I don't.
  2. Yeah, same, or I'll just leave it in the water and use needle nose. If I have to handle it, a finger behind the gill plate is the easiest way. The western rivers are full of them. The Severn is usually really good. They can't tolerate too high a salinity, so with the lack of rain, they thin out or head further up river. every year is a bit different. I don't fish up there much, but know a couple of guys who do. There are a couple of shore spots, but a boat will help get to the good spots.
  3. 1. senko 2. swim jig 3. wake bait 4. frog 5. Buzzbait Honorable mention. Chatter On average though I catch my bigger fish on jigs and spinnerbaits.
  4. Oh yeah, pretty much anything, spinnerbaits, jerk baits, crank baits, swim jigs, chatters, flukes, and top waters of all kinds. If you get into a good bite crush the barbs or use single hook lures. They are fairly delicate, and their mouths tare easily. Bounce off the surface=ice.
  5. Yes, all over. The Eastern Shore is good, There are a couple of places in Southern MD, and near Baltimore and DC (or go West young man). Now is a good time. They will bite as long as your lures don't bounce off the surface right until they get ready to spawn in the late winter/early spring. They like bright colors, but will also hit natural forage shades.
  6. To make room for the new KVD Lew's tour Grade reels. Happy belated Thanksgiving from Moscow...
  7. You can finesse fish with either spinning or bait casting. I usually go with casting unless I'm casting really light lures into the wind or drop shot deep with lighter sinkers. Some of the older casting reels with cent. brakes and drilled spools cast small lures as well as most newer reels in experienced hands when properly adjusted. Also the power and action of a casting rod needs to be light and slow enough or it makes it more difficult.
  8. I only got one out of ten... I've never felt compelled to follow rules, but I'm a firm believer in being accountable for your actions, and I try not to screw anyone over who doesn't have it coming. I'll give someone the shirt of my back or slit their throat, Its all situational.
  9. 4o tons? how will that balance with my 6 oz reel?...
  10. Agreed, which is why I carry Sharpies.
  11. I'm seeing a trend where some folks think there is this "magic" lure which is the only lure that will catch fish on a particular day, and not having it would be a catastrophe. The more likely scenario is that once you find fish, there will be several lures that will work. When I go out fishing and don't do well, my thinking is I didn't find them, I didn't figure out what to do, or I zigged, when I should have zagged. I can count in one hand the times I have in all honesty thought that I would have caught them if I had a particular lure. Of course I've been doing this for almost 1/2 a century, so there is that, now I feel old...
  12. t-rigged power worm, flipping reeds, or shiners. Those Epcot bass can get real finicky. Up here, a jerkbait or inline spinner.
  13. You care what a kid thinks AND you are online looking for what to do? $20 on the kid...
  14. If you are using heavy braid with lighter leader (not sure why someone would) the uni-uni is your best bet. 9 turns on the braid 4 on the mono (yes, ditch the flouro) try some Ande tournament line.
  15. Got one on a mini buzzbait Saturday while pickerel fishing.
  16. A balanced bouquet with just the right blend of intensity in the front end and a pleasing finish hinting at apricots and pears, bold without offending... (I sprayed a little KVD line conditioner on my tongue) I'd rather do that than get near any Merlot, it and gin are the only things I won't drink.
  17. I've got one old square bill flat B that I'm sure I could fill the bathtub and pull a couple out with it... I break my "don't own it if you're afraid to use it" rule with some of my old balsa baits.
  18. I'm down to 2.
  19. Pickerel are biting.
  20. Bam! Now we need a new microphone.
  21. I have a couple of old weedless spoon labeled "loop-a-line". I picked them up at a flea market in FL maybe 20-25 years ago. I use them to troll in the salt. Don't know anything else about them.
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