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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Humor is not as easy as it looks, you have to be incisive (see what I did there) while walking a fine line. Watch this.... Does anybody know where Scott Martin was on the day Stormy was threatened?
  2. Yeah, some of my local ponds have a lot of nesting Canada geese. It only lasts a couple of weeks, but it times out with good fishing every spring. The ganders will hiss display and charge, but usually won't attack. I give them a wide birth while facing them sometimes I say "Hey! I have a great duck recipe". As long as you don't try to fish on top of their nest, they will usually leave you alone. Every so often one gets too close and acts a fool, then I just bop it over the head with my rod, that usually drives the point home, and they just waddle away.
  3. On a given day one may outfish the other and vise versa. We see this a lot on the Potomac with both bass and snakeheads.
  4. I didn't know how to make one of those evolution, missing link diagram things, so here's the next best thing... Big O Basstrix Rico RC1 Paca Craw KVD 1.5 Chatterbait Rage something or other DEPS Buzzjet Spro frog A-rig Senko Pop X Ned Whopper Plopper. Can't wait for the next best thing so I can strike through that last one.
  5. Only if you can tie them with a 3" tag...
  6. 3/4, then sidearm, then the underhand/roll thing, then overhead, then pitching, then flipping, then backhand, then skipping, and then what ever else they come up with. I remember watching a pro at a hawg trough doing a twice around the world pitching thing and thinking "I'll never do that", and haven't.
  7. Which is why I like a reel with a larger and or wider spool.
  8. Most states have their laws and other regulations available online, and some even do a very good job of indexing them and making finding specific laws or subjects fairly straight forward. Keep in mind that there may be laws that apply to wild caught fish as well as farm raised fish, and invasive species. In some cases transporting live fish may be illegal, while keeping them may not be. In any case, that is where the correct answer will be found.
  9. I'd take an inch off the tip and maybe 2 off the butt, and then get a sticker that says "Easy Transport, custom bass action and length" and line it up over the salmon specs.
  10. This reminds me of folks who long for Baccardi, when there is only Capt Morgan, Don't try Pasador de Oro, or you'll never enjoy fresh water fishing, I mean drinking cheap rum, again...
  11. I'm horrible with reel maintenance, but what I really find makes a difference is keeping the worm/pawl happy. A quick cleaning and a drop of oil every couple of weeks or months (depending on use) works well. Lubing the spool bearings, maybe twice a year, and a complete cleaning every season or two is what I shoot for, but like I said, I'm horrible.
  12. fluke1 flo͞ok/ noun noun: fluke; plural noun: flukes 2. Common name for summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus. .....in other words, go salt water fishing.
  13. Even if he won every tournament, he'd be hard pressed to afford flying the rig around. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS777US777&biw=1312&bih=690&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=9krRWvGbDY3I5gKt5aeoCA&q=camp+lemonnier+navy+boat+airforce+plane&oq=camp+lemonnier+navy+boat+airforce+plane&gs_l=psy-ab.3...121672.140080.0.140222.
  14. I throw junebug soft plastics and black jigs with blue trailers, no other reason than that's how I've always done it, and it works. I do throw black senkos with blue fleck too.
  15. You can get away with 20, but I rarely go below 30.
  16. Wow! Congratulations on that pig. I love the colors they get in that kind of water.
  17. This ^. I really only fish an EWG when fishing a crazy thick bait. I know the EWG has a lot of fanboys, but the hookup ratio is just not as good as a round bend or straight shank.
  18. It really depends on what I'm trying to do and what fall rate I'm looking for. This starts with the bait itself, which is why I stick to the few ones I'm really familiar with, then the line will have a significant effect on the fall rate, and finally the conditions, particularly current and wind will influence the decision. I don't really know how much some of my worm sinkers actually weigh, I go to a smaller one or a larger one as required, and use that one. What it actually weighs (or is labeled) I don't worry about.
  19. I wish the shadow rap shad thing didn't work so well, I think they call it the shadow rap cause you can break it if it hits a shadow. I literally broke a couple by hitting ( more like brushing) a branch the thickness of a q-tip with like 2 leaves on it, W T F Rapala? The scary thing is that I get them for around $6 each, and even with going through 1 or 2 a trip, the per fish cost is about the same as some plastics, even so, something in the brain just says it ain't right, and those hooks!
  20. i think Rapala puts the same thing in them that senkos use, cause I go though them about the same....
  21. This^. A while back I found some fish on just such a flat, and was able to reproduce the results based on conditions and time of year in a few places over and over. They just sit with their bellies in the mud in 2-6 feet of water in the smallest of depressions and sparse weed clumps. Also a great place to go to at night with topwater, if they aren't in the mood during the day.
  22. Here is the list of all the fluoro lines I like and recommend for bass fishing:
  23. Used to work on a "night time blues" boat, that was almost a nightly event. Bluefish are great fighters for sure, but a 10 lb amberjack will drag three 10 lb bluefish backwards. Bluefish, much like cudas and carp get little respect from most anglers, never understood that.
  24. Yeah, it's bad. But you can no longer point out ignorance as a bad thing, just encourage, smile, and hand out the participation trophies, gluten free snacks, and flat earth maps...
  25. No, it just seems that way because there are far fewer of them. A quarry, particularly a clear one is usually not the most efficient bass growing environment, but if its well established, there should be some bigger fish in there. A sure way to find out is to gingerly walk the perimeter during the spawn.with polarized glasses.
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