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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I find that the best time to use a lure that runs 12 feet down is when fish are 12 feet down. 1. Do mid depth crankbaits work year round? In Mexico or in Canada? 2. Is their a best time of the year to throw mid-depth crankbaits? see above 3. With mid-depth crankbaits should i always try to keep bottom contact or how am i supposed to fish them? Assuming the cover allows it, bouncing or ticking the bottom (and other things down there) is a good tactic, but it isn't always required, cranks will catch mid depth at times 4. Are there any ideal places or structure you should fish mid-depth crankbaits around? No, but wood, rock, humps, ledges, and other uneven contours are good places to start
  2. Yeah, guys who fish a lot mostly know what they want, and what works and what doesn't, I know I do. But the market is driven by the latest and greatest enthusiast trends, so it's smaller, lighter, and faster (and some electronics and aluminum gears in there, cause that makes sense) ergonomics, balance, and fishability be darned. It's not a fishing thing, I've seen the same thing in most sporting equipment.
  3. I don't know, when I put on my retro Jordans and take a running start, I can almost touch the bottom of net....
  4. No, but I'm stuck in Southern MD for a couple of more years, that's bad enough. Is TN considered the South? cause it's mostly west of here...
  5. Wow, there is a lot of misconception about this. Bait casting DOES NOT cast larger lures further (or is it farther) than spinning. Spinning DOES cast smaller baits farther than bait casting. Optimizing all variables to each, spinning wins by a bunch. Do not disagree unless you are willing to show up with a BC and some $$$.
  6. Unless you are in the NBA, a tip down walking bait will best be worked with a 6'6'-6'10" rod, and braid for top water is almost as silly as, well.... braid for top water....
  7. Been fishing 6.3, 200 sized LP baitcasters for almost 20 years. They work for just about everything. I recently picked up a 7. and a 8. 100 sized reel, just to make sure I'm not missing anything, I'm not. One thing I found interesting is that at full spool the faster smaller reel has a higher IPT, but at a long cast, the larger, slower reel does. So another advantage of a larger reel (in addition to happy girl friend) is a more consistent IPT through out the cast. I'm sure most folks won't notice, but it's there.
  8. Yeah, cause The Eagle hasn't warred with everyone including itself...
  9. Yeah, it's what I thought. He recommended 3/8 and 1/2 for shallow water, then said if you are going to fish 5' or less you don't need both. and my favorite part of the article, after saying you only need a few baits is; "It makes no sense to spend your money on lures just because someone caught a bunch of bass on them in a legendary lake 1,000 miles from your home. "
  10. I'm not a huge fan of a Carolina rig, but having to tie 2 additional knots isn't the reason.
  11. Of course there is quite a bit of personal preference involved, but ergonomically one's hand is going to be most comfortable, efficient, and less prone to fatigue when it is somewhere half way between fully open and fully closed. If one is young, dumb, and full of you know what, then it will not be as apparent, also if one doesn't fish long hours for days at a time, it may not be apparent. But as one ages, these things become more and more obvious. It's amazing how a small change can make a difference.
  12. Same here. I'm fishing with salt water conventional tackle 8-12 hours a day 200+ days a year, so anything bass feels UL to me . Also when fishing spinning I use my entire hand in front of the reel foot, so I like a full cork fore grip. On the occasions when I find myself using those silly no foregrip spinning rods, I wrap some handlebar tape, or tennis grap on it and secure it down with some tape.
  13. I'm not throwing anything that looks like a rodent, duck, or belongs on Robin's utility belt. I'm also not throwing anything that should come as a toy in a Burger King Happy Meal. And it goes with out saying " I ain't casting no umbrella".
  14. I think what the author was trying to convey is that if you are going to have a limited number of sizes it shouldn't be 3/8 and 1/2, which is true, but points to the problem of trying to simplify matters. There are just so many nuances to fishing a spinnerbaits, that one can make it as complicated and detailed or as straight forward as one wishes. What doesn't change is that fact that a particular spinnerbait of any size or weight, in any blade combination (out of the package or modified) either does a good job at catching fish on a particular day, on a particular body of water, under particular conditions and cover, or it doesn't.
  15. [Pearl Jam's Can't find a better man playing in the background]
  16. As long as one isn't trying to set a large heavy gauge hook with a bulky bait, there is no reason a Med rod won't do the job , particularly if using braid, but even with mono it will work. The trick is to load the rod by winding tight before setting, and using the middle of the rod (as opposed to the upper portion) to do it without slack. (which is how all hooks should be set anyway)
  17. Only if you have the proper permits, and your HOA allows it.
  18. bluegills vary in color quite a bit, some are drab and some are brightly hued. Something green pumpkin with a little purple and orange mixed in works well. The skirt on the SK tour grade swim jig is a good gill imitation, and a good color all around, as are some other dedicated gill colors from other makers.
  19. See ya'll in January. We'll kill this zombie then (again)....
  20. Gotta get consent, which may be revoked at any time and can't be given while impaired or incapacitated, and may not be coerced. Much easier the second time around if you don't fish those 50 and 70 sized reels...
  21. Same here. A chunky 100 sized reel is the smallest I find comfy.
  22. No, because a large part of what make my combos "great" are the ergonomics. If you really like the rod, you could have the rod's handle redone, of course, you would have to have a decent idea as to what it is that you like and don't like about it.
  23. Never read that before, but completely agree. I refuse to sell a bike on average about once every 2 weeks to "that guy" (It's always a guy). What has skewed things quite a bit in the last few years are large corporations who don't really look at the bottom line, in pursuit of market share. That having been said, most customers are a pleasure to deal with, and I will not hesitate to go above and beyond, and go to bat for them with the manufacturers.
  24. Closer to 20 seconds to cut the arm, slide out the beads, clevis and front blade, put them in the proper compartment of the 3600 box, bend the wire back and close it around the swivel, but yeah, easy piecey... A single willow works well fished fast in clear water for me.
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