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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I'm going to assume you know what you are doing and file this next to "KVD fishes with Quantum"...
  2. And no VAT, hey while we have you here, how do you say croissant in french? Cause last time in Paris I was just pointing at food and eating hamburgers de cheval, and though yummy, thought Cheval was a place, turns out it is, the race track...
  3. Yup, the mark ups for soft goods are many times that of hard goods, and of those, staples lead the pack, and the buying patterns are quite predictable, and the products are less perishable. Cha Ching! One of my best customers bought himself one or two new top of the line bike every year, he was a gloves rep (just gloves, that blew my mind), and worked on draw/commission. His only rule was don't talk price when he came around with the wife (and 3 kids) in the BMW.
  4. Braid is the worst thing to get near teeth and sharp gill plates. I use a short heavy mono leader (30-60 lb) depending on the lure I'm using, and the size of the fish around, and don't loose many lures. BG is good, Ande is better, Momoi Diamond best I've tried so far.
  5. Here is the complete list of lures I would fish with it:
  6. Mono, 12-17 for square bills, 10 for cranking.
  7. Agree there is no market. Some of the Abu XLTs came with a spare spool.
  8. Never fished in the York, but fished from Little Creek all along the BT up a bit past Plantation and Kipto, (and from the ship on duty days) when I was stationed in Norfolk. Fishing ranged from very good to insane back then.
  9. This is what I heard, "blah, blah, blah, Shiner Bocks, cuban Monte's, blah, blah, blah"...
  10. Yeah, and then we'd be stuck with "If you could only have one [blank]" and "RH or LH BC" all winter long...
  11. Haven't gotten around much this year between work and Navy, so it's all near home and work, MD, VA, PA, NJ, NY so far.
  12. We'll in that case, you were lucky to survive the ordeal, and fortunatelly he didn't drag you in and swallow you whole. Now I gotta go watch a Hannah video and pleasure myself...
  13. A small catfish can't generate enough force to damage a MH stick without angler error. As long as you are loading the rod properly and using the butt section to fight the fish, it should be a short fight, and if he "almost spooled you" your drag wasn't that tight.
  14. There are similarities between any two or more types of fishing. I think a lot of LMB guys don't realize this to their peril, but that is for a different thread. Specifically to your question, much like LMB, striped bass are some of the easiest fish to catch, in the ocean (or estuary, or river, or wherever they may be found). LMB tackle will work for most inshore striped bass fishing. Tackle need not be complicated, jig heads in 3/4- 2 oz with paddle, curly or straight tails in 5"-9" chartreuse or white, a few plugs (jerkbaits) floating, suspending and sinking, and some jigging spoons like a Hopkins Shorty or a Crippled Herring or the like in 2- 6 oz, along with something to rig up a a teaser above it (like drop shotting with the spoon using a stout straight shank hook) is really all you need. Like all other fishing, success will rely on finding them. Their migration pattern from the ocean to spawning rivers is well documented, and you should familiarize yourself with it. Early spring when water reaches upper 40s to mid 50s is prime time for larger fish. Smaller ones will show up later and mingle with resident fish that haven't yet left for the ocean. Once the water warms in summer look for deeper cooler water that they prefer along breaks or drop offs, and follow the bait, and fish when current is present. Once fall arrives (look for that first nasty noreaster) baitfish and striped bass will begin their migration back to the ocean, and can be the best fishing of the year, specially for chasing baitfish on or near the surface. Look for birds diving, and surface splashes. Your FF and binoculars are your best friends, again, find the fish. No point in fishing for hours hoping for them to be there. Once you find them, vertical jig them if they are on or near the bottom, or cast if on or near the surface. Straight 20lb mono, or 30-40 braid with a 30-40lb mono leader will work for most applications. The warming water temps are sending more and more striped bass to their northern range, so it should only get better up there for you. I need a nap after all this typing.....
  15. Same as the Wizzard, it's been a dink fest with the occasional pig mixed in in SoMd. The striped bass livelining in the bay has been very good for a few weeks now.
  16. Depends on how the rod actually fishes as opposed to how it is labeled. That being said, the rods I like best for frogs also work well for large spinner baits and swim baits. I also use them for live lining striped bass. They do an acceptable job with jigs, but there are better options for that.
  17. That looks like a seam. Probably glue is up to surface. I'm not endorsing sealing cork, or doing anything else to it. But to cosmetically address that, one could sand the immediate area with a coarser grain, then fill with something that acts as a primer, or a section of the cork could be replaced, or just fish the thing.
  18. perminate: when a possibly potent paint particulate partially penetrates perimeter, permeating particular parcel potentionally producing pale palette (possibly pink) per popularly profesed proper procedure (period)
  19. So the Modified Alberto over run then...
  20. Yeah, it works, but the color will travel and diffuse, not necessarily a bad thing, but it won't stay the way it starts out. I use a q-tip and some Spike-it (not in the house, I'm not allowed) to make some accents sometimes.
  21. GP is a good color but I personally like the Zoom Watermelon Candy, which is darker than the regular watermelon better. If I had to have only one color (like in those silly pointless hypothetical winter threads) it would be purple or black. 3-5 colors is really all one needs 99% of the time.
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