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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Yup, "I want to fish on one of the great lakes, would a bigger boat be better?" Yes Gordon Lightfoot, it would...
  2. All else being equal a shorter rod will be lighter, more sensitive, and better balanced. I've settled on a 7' for jigs, but it really boils down to preference. I know the trend is to longer rods right now, but I always choose the shortest (and slowest and least powerful) rod that will get the job done.
  3. In a boat with little draft and freeboard as are bass boats, the size and weight of the boat is going to be as important if not more important than the running bottom. Sure some boats of same size are going to run better than others, but you aren't going to run hard into any serious seas. Experience and judgement go a long way as well. 300 horses behind a 21 ft boat, what could possibly go wrong (See Kevin Hart Barracuda incident)...
  4. Most any 6'6"-6'9" MH rod should fit the bill. It need not be anything to high end. Make sure you are happy with the grip, nothing more annoying than an ill fitting grip on a walking bait, JB or popper rod.
  5. Is this team made up of experienced anglers, or folks without much experience? Equipment choices are very personal, and someone who has been fishing for more than a few years will most likely have strong preferences and biases. My suggestion is get one of each, and have the anglers decide. Of course if they are just getting started, they'll work with what they get and adjust as they go.
  6. I'm sorry, what? It's hard to hear with all the Pennants flapping in the wind, and the huge rings clacking together... Sox have done alright last few seasons, I'd tar and feather your front office if I were yous though. Besides, Brady and Belichick will have all of NE walking around with their chests puffed out here shortly.
  7. Or turn the bilge pump on. A lot of setups come with the pump and or switch set up too high and you end up having water in there. Not a big deal if you just park in a slope and pull the plug at the end of the day.
  8. Wait, try different rods and see which works best? That's just crazy talk....
  9. Yeah, but you get 1 senator per 1.5 million folks, so you can get away doing silly things...
  10. I would have said July, but at 5 and a half games behind the wild card, It's now time for sure. Go Yanks!
  11. I like 4 carrier braid for BCs and 8 carrier braid for spinning because the former tends to break in and flatten out, and the latter stays rounder longer, and that helps each perform better.
  12. It depends on which swim jig I'm fishing, and how and where I'm fishing it. For true swim jigs, a Med or MH rod 6"6"-7' with 12-15 lb mono. For beefier hooks and larger trailers around heavier cover, I usually go with a MH and braid. I don't find the rod choice is particularly challenging for swim baits, the only thing I don't like is something too fast.
  13. I like the fenders to match the boat glitter color, and the spare tire cover to match the carpet, and I wish the TW stickers wouldn't clash with the Power Poles' logos.....
  14. Alarm clock rings in the early pre dawn, and the guy snaps out of bed waking his wife in the process, she half asleep asks angrily "Are you really going fishing in this weather, just listen to that downpour!". Undeterred he hitches up the trailer and gets about a mile down the road, when the worsening weather and guilt gets the better of him, and he decides to turn around and go back to bed. He crawls back into the bed and exclaims "It's really bad out there" without missing a beat the woman replies, "Yeah, can you believe my dumba$$ husband is out there fishing in this weather?"
  15. With the exception of the Zara Puppy, I like at least a 100 sized walking top water. I choose by the action I'm looking for, not the number of hooks. If they are slashing short, I'm changing lures.
  16. Side arm cast, pitching or skipping will reduce the entry splash, as will the choice of lure (both type and size).
  17. I like chrome or white/bone on pencils, and more natural forage colors for walking baits, but the fish don't often have a preference.
  18. I sometimes bite the tail off a speed worm and fish it like a senko. I'm sure I'll get around to trying a pack, but have 3 knock offs that work well for me, and I don't fish a "senko" much anyway, cause there is so much paint to watch dry, and grass to watch grow...
  19. If you fish, some fish are going to be injured or killed at some point (pun intended) it's inevitable. The only thing within your control if you choose to fish is to learn how to minimize the possibility of either. As far as your feelings about this, they are your feelings, and that's a personal thing that you need to work out. All this "you should just" advice isn't going to change how you feel, though time, and life experience certainly will. Vegan bass fishing? That's a new one on me.
  20. Any bait you can get to the fish and present properly will work. The shape, size and length of the bait may cause it to misbehave deep or in current and thus cause it "not to work". I usually drop shot smaller baits, but sometimes larger baits are the ticket for LM and SM. We "drop shot" 6"-9" grubs with a lb or two of lead for cod in 100 ft of water. The trick is to keep it from fouling and spinning on the way down, while down there, and to a lesser degree on the way up. whether it's 1/4 oz with a tiny bait, or a beefed up rig.
  21. I can't help with log ins, blockers, shortcuts or the like, but I'm a whiz at deleting browsing history in any platform...
  22. Pretty much with everyone else above, a t-rig, a spinnerbait, and a jig will catch fish in most situations.
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