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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Too small, (and to a lesser degree to large) a reel can be the cause and or aggravate hand, wrist, and arm aches and pains. I know that as I get older it becomes more and more prevalent every year in my case. Having your hand clutched for hours a time isn't a natural thing to do, particularly in colder weather. If chronic, and severe, I would consult a medical professional to make sure you aren't aggravating a condition. Some pain is ok to fight through, and some can lead to complications. Sucks getting old.
  2. Covering water suggests one hasn't found fish. But to answer your question, you essentially use a really big bubba drop shot and a live bait hooked in the mouth and out one nostril (stays upright all on its own without silly knots too) with the trolling motor on high. Same thing with the bobber for higher presentations with a little weight inline between the bobber (it's actually a float) and the bait to keep it vertical. Both very popular ways to fish in the salt. Need to think outside the (Monthly Subscription) box.
  3. Yeah, but it's that hint of dolphin when mixed with the crunch of sustainable organic farm to table celery that really brings out the sandwich... ??? Sorry, couldn't help myself, must be the week in Ashville. Those hipster can get annoying, but the food and beer lived up to the hype, and the mountains, lakes, rivers and streams were stunning. 4 stars.
  4. I'm disappointed in Acura with RDX prices.
  5. As asked the question poses no contradiction. Many "seasoned" bass anglers seldom if ever use live bait, so their experience and preference is toward artificials. On the other hand, someone who fishes for different fish with both artificials and bait, will know that live bait when abled to be presented will out fish artificials. Sure bass live in places where sometimes only a frog, a t-rig or a punching rig will have a chance to get at it, but in all other cases artificials will come in second, and as to rigging live bait being slower or more difficult, it's just a hook with a fish attached to it. It takes maybe 5-10 seconds to do. A struggling fish on a hook is the ultimate bait action. The only artificial presentation that sometimes can compete with bait is trolling.
  6. There is no standard for power ratings. Sure most manufacturers are somewhere near the accepted Med, MH, Heavy labels, and some are known to be overpowered or underpowered for their labeling. furys do run a full power low, so if one knows this, it shouldn't be an issue. Every stick us going to fish like it's going to fish regardless of its label. What I find more problematic, is the trend towards wider and wider lure weight ranges, 1/8- 1 oz? Come on!
  7. So the guy who has been fishing for over half a century doesn't have issues, but the guys who have been fishing for a few months or years and chase the InterWeb advice do? I don't see a problem, I see a lesson.... (Says the guy who's been fishing for 52 years)
  8. Some guys use Stellas to bass fish, so why not Yeti to keep beers and sandwiches cold. It's equally silly, but last I checked this is still 'Merica! So everyone is free to spend their $ on whatever they want. Now which NRX is best for...
  9. Actually it doesn't.
  10. I have one, It's one of my popper rods. I'm not as fuzzy on spook rods as I am on poppers. I usually find a 6'6" I like the action on and cut a couple of inches off teh handle.
  11. I'm the exact opposite. I don't really like fishing frogs, but at times it's the best or only option. I will fish something else if the cover allows it, but there is no denying a frog often catches big fish.
  12. No, I always go with the lightest swim jig I can get away with, and the heaviest chatter I can get away with. That is usually 1/4 for the former, and 1/2 for the latter.
  13. With a scale (analog or digital) with a max reading indicator. You can also measure relative knot strength by tying 2 knots on opposite ends of a swivel.
  14. No, I've caught bass of all sizes big and small. As a matter of fact, I cut my teeth fishing in the Catskills with a medium spinning rod and 8 lb mono. Used the same rod in the salt, so good knots and knowing how much drag one can set, and how to use it was just second nature. Turns out when you set max drag for bluefish, bass, even large ones will pull inches, or at most a foot or two with such tackle. With 12lb BG and above on BC gear I hardly ever get any pulled out. Along with loop knot, and "catching them like I want to catch them", Too light a drag is how I know someone doesn't really fish, but to each his own.
  15. Lb for lb, I haven't noticed a difference, not that either fights much to begin with. What I do find makes a difference is water temp, habitat, and time of year. Bass peeling drag, thanks for the chuckle.
  16. If you tie 2 overhead knots in opposite directions, you end up with a square knot, may be what he is doing. Not what I would use, but will hold ok with most braids. If it's working for him, and it holds ok, more power to him.
  17. I hope not, cause then I'd have to delete my post and wait for someone to ask about Browning...
  18. Young, dumb, and full of Cumara...
  19. Got chased by one down in the FL Keys, and one magically materialized in front of us as we were landing in a sight seeing tiny Cesna in the Atacama desert a while back. A little scary, not gonna lie.
  20. Not familiar with the caliber of those rods, but I'd probably fish them with .12 or .20 gauge line.... Coincidentally, I stopped in a mom and pop gun/tackle shop yesterday, and was looking at some shotguns, and the conversation turned to something like "this is a turkey gun AND it's made in Turkey? What are the odds?" followed by several trigger and cocked puns, mom was amused, pop, not so much... Picked up some BB offshore snap swivels for a song.
  21. I don't think there are any more "wild colors" in salt water fishing that fresh. Just like fresh water, one could catch pretty much anything on just a couple of colors (chrome and white would be my choice) in the salt. Salt water guys aren't immune to marketing, so makers offer those lures in way too many colors as well.
  22. Pink works well, but so does every other color, I find when they are on a bright hue, pink, yellow, white and chart. all do about the same.
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