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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Good question. I read it as he was going from straight braid to braid/leader. If going from straight fluoro or mono to braid, that may cause one to loose some fish, if the equipment and mechanics stay the same.
  2. Unless you are running a leader long enough to be functionally fishing with straight fluoro, there is going to be no difference in the way it handles or fishes. A couple of feet of fluoro or mono isn't going to make a difference in hooksetting or fish fighting. Have you changed rods or a are fishing different bait or hook? cause that will make a difference.
  3. Go with the spinning (a 3000 or larger if you have it) and 20-30 lb braid. Bring some mono for leader material (20-60), a few swivels, some hooks, a tad of wire, and some of your least favorite larger lipless and JBs, supplement some jigheads and a few spoons and flukes and you should be good to go. I find I end up catching live bait and livelining on "vacation" fishing most of the time.
  4. All 3 brands you mentioned are good. Get a model that has the tools/features for the things you want them to do. I have separate pliers and tools, but a multi tool is a handy backup. I find the do it all behemoths not the way to go.
  5. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "smell my finger"...
  6. LOL
  7. Bamboo staffs work well too. Pier One has them for a couple of bucks. Wading new places is about trial and error. Most places will have a few inches of mud or silt over hard bottom, but others can be quite deep.
  8. 120 is a big cooler. We use them to haul fish, and a full one takes 2 guys to move. A 48 or 54 is probably what you want. Agree on the block ice, it lasts much longer than cubes. If you have the space freeze OJ or the like cardboard containers and keep them in the freezer for a while. Those bricks hold up well.
  9. We're still doing this? Ok then. The amount of line in yards has no bearing (pun intended). The difference in circumference of the spool as filled does. So it could be a lot of 8 lb test, or a little 25 lb test.
  10. Saying fish tastes like fish would be like saying chicken, turkey, duck, quail, cornish hen, goose, squab, and every other edible bird tastes the same. Sure there are similarities, but they are vastly different. One would never confuse grouper with tuna, or sole with swordfish.
  11. Back in the day it was Brooks Brothers and Hugo Boss, I don't know what the corporate cool kids are wearing these days, but yeah. When you asked someone the time it was to see the watch, Rolex=poser, Omega=going places, Patek=The man.
  12. admitting one is abnormal is the first step to recovery...
  13. I wouldn't do it, but if its something you want to do, wear it loud, wear it proud!
  14. No, but assuming you are talking about the same reel with different gear ratios (or models with identical relevant dimensions) then yes, at some point of spool fill. The IPT will vary as the diameter of the line of the spool, so using the formula for the circumference of a circle, the IPT will be the diameter x pi. So yes, a half filled spool WILL have 1/2 the IPT. For shallow to mid cranking with smaller baits, square bills and the like, it won't matter much. If you are going to be deep cranking with larger baits that pull hard, get the slowest reel you can find.
  15. It's an interesting scenic place, but the fishing is just ok at best. I don't go there much anymore.
  16. I use 12-15 lb mono or 30-40 braid.
  17. There is nothing complicated about it, changing the gear ratio, handle length or effective spool diameter changes the mechanical advantage equally. If you 1/2 any of them (leaving the others the same for that apple/orange consistency thing) then the change will be equivalent, whether marginal or not. I frequently fish BCs 3/4 filled on purpose for some presentations.
  18. If you are sure they are bass jumping and feeding like that, a fluke, spoon, spinnerbait or popper might work. They key on whatever they are feeding on sometimes, so it helps to change size and profile until something clicks, and since bait being chased like that are highly motivated not to get eaten, a fast, erratic presentation often works. It can be frustrating seeing all that action and not getting bit, BTDT, and have the t-shirt...
  19. Yeah, except, no. The diameter of the spool as filled is an integral part of the whole equation, so as the spool diameter changes, for a given amount of line retrieved, there will be corresponding changes in the magnitude of handle rotation AND force required to make said rotation at the handle grip. We'll leave handle length as a constant so not to confuse folks, yet...
  20. I hope my reels don't see this, they may want something more than getting wiped down a couple of times a year with an old t-shirt...
  21. It will vary by location, but Fridays are usually also busy, and Mondays can be also. I like Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Tuesdays in that order. Of course, if yo can only go on weekends, or less than ideal days, then those are the best days to go. If you fish a particular lake a lot, you will get an idea for the comings and goings of crowds.
  22. Mid week is much better than weekends on most bodies of water, but particularly on smaller ones with lots of fishing and other traffic.
  23. LOL. I have the custom made Furuno faceplate for a competitors FF. That does count?
  24. NikeGolf was a subsidiary of Nike, which was stood up to enter into golf in the mid 90s . Nike hired a competitor's designer to build their clubs. The early clubs were rebranded competitors clubs while they stood up the line. Nike never manufactured any clubs, much like some reel brands today, they had them made for them. Doesn't make them any less Nike. There were issues both real and perceived with the clubs, and the negative press caused the clubs not to sell well. Nike saw their mistake going into hard goods, and shut the division down. Now they do balls, soft goods, foot wear, and accessories in golf. Attended many Super Shows back then, and they threw some of the best parties where liquored up industry guys loved to vent. Great place to network.
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