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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Is this Hannity? Hair color is determined by genetics. Several genes affect the amount and balance between 2 types of melanin in individuals, and that determines hair color.
  2. It's a 10 acre pond, so one can figure out what's going on (or not going on) on the fly, and since it is small, it will be affected by changes in temps quicker and more drastically than larger more stable bodies of water. I would start looking for them hunkered down a bit in the same places where they were, and work deeper. Of course the rain can add variables like feeder stream current, and water color boundaries.
  3. Bass do ok in brackish water, as do some cats. The blues in the Chesapeake and Potomac are spreading out wider than most expected. We have had a couple of years of low salinity in both though.
  4. I'm on the extremes, often I go in knowing I have an hour or two (sometimes less) before I have some place to be. When I have a full day, I'm there all day.
  5. Too gimmicky for me. Could I tie it on and catch fish with it? Sure, but way too many other good options for both poppers and shallow cranks to settle for something that does neither well.
  6. Bass like many fish can change hues depending on environment. Around here in winter and early spring they are silvery grey with little green in them. Every so often I see some with a yellowish tint, black spots, and other odd coloring.
  7. I've done well for sunfish with dragonflies, but those things are tricky to catch. Ever try to swat them with a rod? They move out of the way at the last moment. Crickets and grasshoppers are much easier. If you want to liveline for bass, nothing beats a small sunfish, goldfish are good too, but it's illegal in most places.
  8. I'm going to Poe's a question to you guys, what exactly is "balsa-like thumping action"?
  9. N/A. Underspins are my kryptonite. I can't get arrested with them. I need some lessons, would a Fuego be good for them? ...
  10. I told my doctor I broke my PB, he said I needed another cast...
  11. Dragon fly time is just about done in theses parts, but bass and other fish do key in on them when they are abundant. I've tried making dragon fly lures with small plastics and feathers or skirt strands, and while they work ok, I found that matching the size and profile with some small plastic and skipping it out in open water works best. Some days it can be killer. I have seen bass hit dragon flies on the surface, and occasionally above the surface. About 2 months ago one hit a dragonfly which was hovering maybe 3" above the water, but the funny part (not so much for the dragon fly) is that it bit in half, and the front end flew away. I had to keep an eye on it, and it was still alive when I left about 2 hours later.
  12. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the lightest weight will fall slower, but don't quote me...
  13. You can rig either with or without a weight, but the senko's best action is often it's level slow falling shimmy thing. On the other hand, craws are usually fished in hops or drags on or near the bottom. At times, a senko with a small sinker, or a weightless craw/creature is the ticket.
  14. "Doctor, it hurts when I talk about tiny baits" "Don't talk about tiny baits"
  15. I guess what they are suggesting is that if both knots were on the same side, it would cause the spool to go out of balance because of the added weight. Except that a knot in the middle of the spool would cause less weight, not more. But even that is academic, cause the minor differences are negligible. Something else that folks that read too much and fish too little worry about.
  16. It either needs to be tuned or it's a Norman@. Some cranks will blow out at faster speeds more than others, but most can be made to run straight, or almost so. 8:1 is high for cranking, but if you slow down, while not ideal, is doable.
  17. I don't think it's running sideways, I think it's walking on water...
  18. N/A, I never touch up jigheads. Why would one?
  19. Do you think an ITunes app will work?....
  20. x2. Striped bass fishing can entail spinning or BCs comparable to bass gear, or much heavier tackle depending on where one is fishing, and the size of the fish which can run a couple of lbs to over 50. PM the specifics or start a thread on other fish species, and I can point you in the right direction. 718 as in the boroughs?
  21. Snappers are some of the best eating fish there is. I like the silver (the ones like porgies) but please don't bully them. They'll just cling to their Lunds and Muck boots. Speaking of coasts, I just got some fresh rod and reel caught toro loins overnighted to me from New England, now I just gotta get the sticky rice right
  22. I don't know, if Charlize likes Bud, I'll hold my nose and drink that crap....
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