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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. No, I don't normally fish a t-rig where I fish a C-ring and vise versa, and I tend to fish really light t-rigs, and heavy C-rigs. I do sometimes fish a pegged t-rig with a bobber stopper above and below the sinker and slide it up a tad, ending up with a pseudo splitshot or mojo I guess, but not often.
  2. Oh good, I thought it was only me. Give me a round point any day.
  3. Ask your friend if he wants to go fishing....(on a day you have to work)...
  4. I need you to call NY DEC and tell them that for me, they don't seem to want to take my word for it...
  5. No, I don't think it makes it easier. I know that one of the things that caused me to not progress as an angler early on was all the reading I did, and that was just books and magazines. Being exposed to something, or knowing about it is not the same as being able to do it. One can watch as many videos as one can stand, and it won't make one any better of an angler. There is no substitute for time on the water.
  6. Bigger bass don't bite more in the fall, but conditions are more conducive to increased catch per unit effort, so it may appear that way.
  7. I envy guys like you. From my little league glove, tennis rackets, soccer cleats, bikes, and rods, I'm crazy fanatical about it being just right, I'm sure it's both reel(ha), and imagined...
  8. HJs are one of my favorite JBs, but "casts well" isn't one of the reasons why. They tend to tumble quite a bit, even so, I catch a lot of fish on them every year.
  9. We have an expression, "The .....'s kids also have to go to college", in this case fill in gel coat repair guy. I know if I damaged a friend's boat (which happens) I'm not putting some nail polish on it, I'm doing the right thing.
  10. I find that if I don't skip my upper body workouts, lifting a few extra cork rings (and their associated adhesive) becomes almost doable, but if you add the weight of sealer on the other hand, I'm only good for maybe 8 reps..... Seriously though, split grips are popular because they look cool (in addition to saving $ on cork). The only issue with split grips is that if the dimensions of the handle are less than ideal, one ends up griping bare blank. I have a few stock split grips, but prefer full handles. My customs are mostly split grips. Like most other things, it comes down to preference, and what works for each angler.
  11. X2. With the possible exception of deep cranking large baits, a composite rod makes more sense most of the time.
  12. Cut it off and tie on a buzzbait?...
  13. That is usually caused by the jig eye and/or snap binding on the blade. It's an easy fix most times.
  14. Exit 8A, Piscopo... "You from Jersey?, I'm from Jersey..."
  16. Oh yeah, and it's not a bass thing, or even a fishing thing. The InterWeb consensus vs life experience thing is everywhere. Now I gotta go lauder my flannel, wax my mustache, and meet the gang for expensive coffee and free wifi...
  17. Over all I like them for their actions and the way they fish, not over enthusiastic about their reel seats and lock nuts. I have a couple stashed away in folks garages where I might find myself for a few days sans a stick.
  18. This ^. I don't turn the handle when I'm working JBs, as much as I bump it, nudge it, and slap it, so using the same reel is more important to me than the gear ratio/iPT.
  19. Crowd funding isn't for charity, though it's often used as such. What we have here is a clever way do drive interest, get pre paid orders and collect info. I'm waiting for a reel that goes to 11, now I gotta go do my 6 minute abs workout...
  20. Me too, but in my case it's the entertainment value...
  21. I have not been happy with the results with swapping out trebles for singles with most hard baits. What I do like at times is up sizing and cutting off one of the points on one or both hooks. I also pinch down the barbs until there is just a slight one left.
  22. Travel rods in case to 32" no issues. I also carry a reel or two. I have had and seen folks denied for hooks and braid in the past. Before 9-11 we used to bring wire, hooks, and tools onboard, and tie rigs on the way down to destinations, simpler times.
  23. It's actually the worst of both worlds, but a better option than FC, so you'll be ok, (assuming you stop reading)...
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