I run 2 different rods for lipless cranks, one for grass and one for everything else. The grass one is a faster, crisper rod, the other is a more moderate softer one. I fish them mostly with heavy mono, but occasionally braid. Fishing too soft a rod with lipless (or squarebills) in grass gets frustrating in a hurry. YMMVBIW...
Need the when and where in addition to the conditions in order to choose just one lure. Right here, right now, blade bait. I'll be out later if the skim ice melts enough with just that and a float/fly.
Catching bass while crappie fishing needs a technique name? who knew...
Those beettle spin double tail grubs cut down the middle on a 1/16 or 1/32 jighead, but don't tell anyone....
Almost. carbon fiber is a composite consisting of graphite encapsulated by resin, much like fiberglass is glass encapsulated by a resin. My next rod is going to be flawless and made by Debeers...
"A parishioner knows that his priest is a big boxing fan so he gives him a present of two ring side tickets to an upcoming fight. The priest decides to invite one of the choir boys. They take their seats on the night of the fight, and as the first fight is about to begin one of the boxers kneels in his corner and does the sign of the cross. The boy looks over to the priest and asks "father, what does it mean when the boxer does that?" The priest looks at the boy and replies "Not a darn thing if he can't fight."
There is no "best" lure. It depends on the given day, the conditions, and of course where one is fishing. In the spring, if I have a jerkbait, a square bill, a spinnerbait, a chatter, and a swim jig or paddle tail I'm good to go.
I was going to suggest you get muck boots or hip waders and walk a setp or 2 out, makes a huge difference on the angle you can fish, HOWEVER, in a canal like you are describing a longer rod is usually a better option. In some cases the "parallel to shore" thing is not the way to go. Fan cast so you are about a foot or two apart each time. Every spot is a little different, so try different things and adjust accordingly.
This spring was very good for size for me, after a couple of years of so so results. I don't keep records, but got several over 6 with a few over 7 and one over 8.
Not the greatest pictures, but Ocean City 9 series or FF maybe? There were several companies making similar reels before Penn® put most out of business.
There is a reason why one doesn't do a residency, and THEN tackle (ha) bio, chemistry and anatomy. Gotta build on the basics, first the foundation, then the walls, then the roof...
Most of the tackle available today in the lower to middle range is more than adequate for getting the job done. Additionally if one is strapped for cheddar, functional used gear at swaps, fishing flea markets and the like can be had for a song. We collect tackle donations and sell it to raise $ for our charity, and often, we end up buying some ourselves.
I throw big spinnerbaits with a calcutta or a 4600. If you are going to go LP, I would go with one with good line capacity and 6. something gear ratio or less.
Not with the Tats, but with other Daiwa reels. I solved it by spooling up my internally adjustable 6 pin centrifugal brake reels. So far the Fuegos haven't done it, but we'll see.
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