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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. small ones are the fly in my float and fly right now...
  2. I can quit any time I want....
  3. Yup, cut the hook points that face down, and drag a foot or two at a time and pause for as long as you can stand it, spy vs spy rig, cause bass guys need to name everything...
  4. That actually works. I use a large swivel 12-18" ahead of the crank. I'll also wrap copper wire around the hook shanks. I want them to rise ever so slowly. Killer late winter presentation.
  5. Add MD, DE and VA to that list... I think you are on to something with the climate along the shore, I think the effects of the coast, the elevation as you head west adds to the equation as well.
  6. That's not being bad at fishing, that's being bad at finding....
  7. I may or may not have caught a fish bigger than the MD state record from a 5 acre pond, and it may or may not have measured 27.5"x19.5"...
  8. That helps, can we see the hook. We should rename the wacky rig to free it up for this....
  9. I usually grab one of the hooks with the needle nose and shake the fish loose. What line?
  10. My first car was a '72 Chevy Vega....
  11. After trying a bunch of different craw trailers to imitate a craw with a chatter, the fish decided that a particular paddle tail was a better option, so that's what I use. A beaver knockoff is also a good one for me.
  12. Haven't given up on them, but underspins are my kryptonite for sure.
  13. While I don't disagree that red, orange and pink can be great colors in low light conditions, I think the "flashlight through the hand" hypothesis is a stretch.
  14. For true cranking with large deep divers I like a glass rod, for square bills and mid runners, I go with graphite. Two different animals.
  15. No, but on the chance I understand what you did, I vote for "threaded some kind of hook (which I attached to a swivel somehow) on a worm"
  16. I think that with 10 lb test (average mono diameter) and the rod tip at or near the surface, you'd be hard pressed to get 10 ft. I'm thinking 8 or 9 at most.
  17. For a size ***, the blade is "cupped" towards the point where the 3 creases meet. The portion from the hole to that point is essentially flat. The other 2 symmetrical areas have a slight curvature. if laid flat convex side up the distance from the base to the point at the apex where the creases meet is approx. 3.75 mm. FOUO [ E N D O F U N C L A S S M A T E R I A L ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When combined with a size *** **** blade and worked at a ******* speed the ******* blades provide for ****** and far ******** all other blades.
  18. This ^. I fish a few really small ponds and puddles close to me that range from 3 to 75 acres. Most are 6-8 feet deep at most, some maybe 12-20 feet or so. I have caught fish over 6 lbs and some much bigger out of all of them. Around here if there are gills, shiners and crappie in there and the water is fairly green, they grow big. I think there are larger fish than most folks think in most places. Another plus is that a lot of these get weed chocked for a lot of the season, and that discourages people when it's warm, and early in the season, the pressure is light. Sure from April through June it can be a challenge with the pressure, but that's why God made Wednesdays...
  19. I thought we weren't doing **** anymore...
  20. Sounds like a really big pickerel (or a stray pike) to me. I've reared back on them and feel nothing on the other end. You can usually see the teeth marks on mono. Snakeheads, gars, and other things with teeth will usually give a bit of a tussle before departing with your lure.
  21. You haven't lived until you've run to the canyon for 2 hours, put the spread out just before day break and get that thing spooled 15 minutes later in 20 seconds by a big eye. Wicked indeed... Bass guy: "How do I set my drag?"...
  22. It will work fine with most applications. I would forego the leader for single hook baits, a 10-17 lb leader will work well with most treble baits. Get a spool of 12 lb green BG from Wally world for $7 and you'll be GTG.
  23. The top one is the Oklahoma (or turtle, or olympic, or mag willow) The bottom one is terminator's (now Rapala's) proprietary one.
  24. When a grown man in a roto molded pointy plastic wading pool gets within casting distance. Of course when he decides it's a good idea to discuss the lipless that landed on his lap, that turns my day right around.
  25. Not to go off on a tangent, but to a degree, I think you are just angling for a protracted discussion...
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