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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I'm sending you a fidget spinner...
  2. It will work in any water clarity, but It would be best in slightly dirty to a bit muddy water. A solid black jig with a white trailer is one of my panic colors.
  3. You could do that on a jig with no skirt, collar or keeper, but only on smaller ones where the weight of the head won't be much grater than the weight of the hook, and then only for a vertical presentation.
  4. Uni. How are you planning to snell a jig? That would be a trick.
  5. Supply and demand, and volume of sales you radical socialist
  6. Touche! <iframe src="https://gifer.com/embed/Btzh" width=480 height=360.000 frameBorder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://gifer.com">via GIFER</a></p>
  7. Translation: "I want to sell it for more $ when I do."
  8. I go with the Yogi Berra finish... Go Yanks!
  9. Anything MH and heavier, and 7' or longer will work depending on what you are throwing, targeting. No need to get too fancy. I would lean on spinning. Most fresh water BCs don't have the line capacity or drag (this should be good...) and levelwinds are for the most part just parts waiting to go flying when something real shows up. A 3000-5000 reel will work well. I used some old Bionic Blade flipping sticks to catch some fairly big fish in FL, still going strong.
  10. Sensitivity with slack braid is non existent. Having said that, you can fish with "almost" slack, (which is what yo want with all lines most of the time), it will work. A thicker stiffer braid will be easier to learn on.
  11. Round bend hooks have better hook up ratio than EWGs. Whenever I find myself using an EWG out of necessity, I customize it with needlenose.
  12. on two lines of similar diameter uni-uni is the way to go. The modified albright will make it unnecessarily big.
  13. I would get one setup with braid/leader. 10 lb braid and mono leader to match the lure/presentation in addition to your straight mono one, and be done with it. That will cover just about anything you may want to throw. My first lure was a blue back #9 original rap that I found (and had to climb up) in a tree. Good memories. I'm toying with the idea of getting a vacation place up that way.
  14. Too much stick for the bandits, which are essentially big crappie cranks. The 200 is one of my favorite cranks, the 300 haas competition I like better. The USA made 100s are my Wiggle Warts.
  15. Yeah, I just found out March 4th might not be a thing....
  16. Can someone who isn't in the sinker selling business explain to me why tying a loop at the end of the line and threading the sinker (one without that silly clip thing) through isn't a better idea? That is how we've done it with dipsey, bank and other bottom sinkers everywhere else. The line shy bass will see the knot maybe.... :) Perfection loop, but yeah. We need a video on how to do this? wow!
  17. I don't make them ahead of time, but that is not a bad idea. I would suggest you omit the swivel and sinker, since there is one on the end of your line already, and you are still only tying one knot.
  18. The best T-wing knot is T-wing not...
  19. What's the word I'm looking for, oh yeah,.... wrong!
  20. It's a regressive taper if you look at it from the other end....
  21. Entropy is the reason we can only experience time in one direction, just saying....
  22. No, that's cause they are SK.... If you leave them in the car they get a Bill Dance belly, oh the irony...
  23. I have two 4 power Furies, Haven't found something to do with them that I don't already have covered with other sticks. I'm not a fan of any brand, I use what feels right in my hands.
  24. X2, I have a Fury 703C and like it, but not for larger chatters, plus too soft for my taste for hooksets with mono, braid, yeah.
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