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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Wind turbines actually reduce wind, but funny nontheless
  2. It's the old "don't fool with Mother Nature" thing. Don't fight the wind, use it, or try to find a compromise with it. I can rear naked choke out anything up to 25 without many gusts, anything over that, I'm keeping it on my feet and looking for a decision.
  3. I think that it comes from the way and the times they are fished by folks who profess this. If you are fishing late winter in large reservoirs and are trying to draw fish up from a distance, yeah not so good in murky water. If you are fishing them in flats, or other shallow water this time a year, it's more of a reaction bite, so it works quite well. The Rapala HJ TN Shad is a good color for stained to murky water for me.
  4. Finally a guy that is honest about his pointy wading pool...
  5. Rods, reels, lines, lures, boats, motors, electronics, sunscreen, nutrition bars, etc, they are just the tools of the trade. You pick and choose which you use. In recreational angling, one can decide what if any of it is used. In competitive angling, if you are not making full use of all of it, you are doing it wrong.
  6. You may have been reading too much nano technology ads...
  7. No, that's not right. Try shaking it hard, if that doesn't work return it. Are you sure it's a real one, Sammy isn't the lure de jeur as it was once, but there were a lot of knock offs out there. Never seen one do that.
  8. Those little foam bobbers with the weight strip work well, get the smallest they make. Size 6 or 8 hooks.
  9. LOL. Wear your mask!...
  10. That looks like a problem with a particular model or production run. A "worn out spinnerbait" will usually break where the wire enters the head, not at the r bend. There are plenty of spinnerbaits with ridiculously thick wire, and they will catch fish, but the ones with thinner wire have a better action. I use Booyah ones quite a bit around snakeheads, and while they will twist them into pretzels, they hold up fairly well.
  11. I'm looking for a good but reasonable vaccum pump, what do you like? And a delay on break relay for a Goodman blower that can go to like 390.
  12. Interesting, I go the opposite way, I usually fish a rico sized popper most of the time, except during the spawn, then I'm reaching for the biggest I can find, and no feathers on a popper, I just can't do. I'll try the Hoosier rig and see how it does...
  13. I'm sorry, I meant no offense, I didn't realize the issue was your sight. I would suggest you go with the uni knot for everything. It is not hard to tie with practice. I would suggest getting a spool of cheap 20 lb mono to practice. I can put together a video of how I tie it if you'd like.
  14. What loop knot is used is not important, obviously the least bulky easiest to tie makes sense. I use the perfection loop. You feed the line through the loop and place that over the spool (dog's neck) so it cinches down when pulled on while spooling.
  15. Do you know what a dog choke collar is and know how to put one on a dog?
  16. Ok, assuming we aren't being punk'd, this is NOT hard, specially on a spinning reel. So, tie a small loop on the end of the line, I suggest a surgeon's knot, but any loop knot will work. now make believe it's a dog choke collar and put it on the spool so it forms a p, THE END. If you are having issues with the arbor knot, a 3 turn uni works just as well or better, it's what I use on BCs.
  17. No, but I'm sure it would work. I'm thinking it may make it top heavy and better for a drop rather than a faster swimming action, but probably not enough difference to matter. One way to find out. Some MD striped bass guys fish them upside down on jig heads, but they tend to do a bunch of superfluous stuff.
  18. This is almost as entertaining as the Texas deep bass thread....
  19. I'm picturing a bunch of the pros sitting side by side on a table with tiny hand tools like elves in Santa's workshop, and Ike saying "I want to be a dentist"....
  20. X2 Sitting down gives the zombies a chance to catch you...
  21. Yes. you can also just slide a small dipsey in there, We can call it Police Rig. "free, free, set them free..." Fish don't care how you ballast your lures (maybe in Texas)...
  22. Yes, and no. I have 3 different spinnerbait rods, based on weight and blade combinations and how I'm fishing them, 2 of them work for chatter baits and the third doesn't. I throw 1/4 and 3/8 chatters on one rod, and 1/2 and up on another. As long as they can handle the casting and working the bait, and aren't too fast, I don't find chatters demanding on the rod specifics as some other baits do. I fish chatters on heavy mono 90% of the time.
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