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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. 3700, I like playing "how long do I need to shake it to get it", and I don't really switch baits too often for it to be a problem. I have a different song for each type of bait, Cashmere, with an accent on the downbeat (if you can find it) works great, Mick Fleetwood works good too.
  2. With the dot, or without the dot? Had to check to make sure this wasn't a zombie....
  3. Fuego will handle pike just fine. I gave my brother one a couple of Xmas ago, (mostly so I can use it when I'm over) and he uses it to salt water fish for striped bass and tog, with no maintenance since. Besides a little rust on some screws, no issues so far. Calcutta, you are not going to hurt.
  4. It reely IS a Ford v Chevy thing. Both make good products, and both have or have had lemons. SV is great for what it does well, but line capacity and size make it a less than ideal choice for more robust presentations.
  5. Yes, now ask me about the color?...
  6. The drag star thing sounds like it's not getting tension from the washers, clicker or spring as the case might be. I've got an old Trion, that I put the washers on facing wrong, and it does that, but I fish it fairly tight, so I haven't gotten to do it. As far as the tension knob, while not impossible, it's highly unlikely that it is tightening from casting. It is probably feeling tighter from fluid lock, and adding grease probably made the problem worse. Clean everything out, make sure all parts are present and assembled properly per schematic. If the threads are indeed sloppy enough to back out, add a little blue loctite to the knob, and let it dry completely before assembling.
  7. Keep in mind that while the weight of the skirt and trailer may seem significant, most of it is going to slow down ROF, and that is what really is important with jigs.
  8. I use a pizza box lined with white paper.
  9. Yeah, same here. It went from a bulldog, take the rod out of your hand bite to having to beg and plead with them almost overnight. Weightless straight worms is what they are wanting right now, soak it with a drag and drop.
  10. They all do that...
  11. Late winter, cold water, I won't be in a hurry to get on the water. Once the trend is towards warming, usually right around daylight savings/first day of spring, I'm fishing full days. "Prespawn" isn't monolithic, and as do most bass perspectives and terms has the potential for confusion and misled approaches. Fish the day.
  12. non sequitur zombie...
  13. Patient: "Doctor, it hurts when I turn the drag down," Doctor: "Don't turn the drag down"
  14. Putter or driver, which is your favorite? Wrench or screwdriver, which is your favorite? Scotch or Bourbon, which is your favorite? Oh, wait, not that last one, one of each, neat please....
  15. My Calais 200 is doing the talk to the hand thing...
  16. LOL, No lemon/lime KoolAid in Fl, check!
  17. Give me brass gears, metal bodies, and sideplates (except in the middle of winter for the last one) and weight of the reel be darned. I'm thinking of getting the patent on helium infused grease and oil (optimized to individual gear ratios of course ), ya'll will buy anything...
  18. LOL Diving sometimes gives me a warm and fuzzy...
  19. Not a pain at all. They are a piece of equipment that costs money to acquire and maintain, in some cases lots of money. The non reliability thing (except for Mecrs, they are a$$) is usually a matter of older equipment or lack of PMS. And, yes sitting around with no use for extended time is bad for all sort of machinery, but if that is the case, one probably not own a boat. We have a guideline in the salt, if you aren't fishing on it at least 50 times a year, don't do it. 4 strokes are great, but I don't think at this point they are new, they came from the last century....
  20. Not as much as I used to, but if the opportunity calls for it I'm going in. I'll wear board shorts or Columbia shorts and diving neoprene booties.
  21. I don't fish the Comet, but I do make my own inlines with 3"-5" plastics attached either open hook, or twist-lock t-rigged. I like #3 and #4 blades, Straight or split tail BA type plastics are my favorite. I originally built them as pike and pickerel lures, and bass started biting them regularly.
  22. FIFY. (sorry, I've been doing a lot of FOIA redacting at work...
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