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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I can agree with that. I'm sure there are times when a bass spits out my jig, and I'm none the wiser.
  2. Hands down best trout and panfish maybe....
  3. Yes, based on the reels you already own, and assuming you may want to throw larger heavier lures on heavy lines at some point, you may want to consider adding a larger reel with more line capacity. Of course that depends on where how and what you are fishing.
  4. I would add one adult sized reel to the ones you already have.
  5. In my experience, it varies, but more often than not they hold on to it for a long time. There are times when they do inhale it and spit it out in seemingly one motion, but I find this the exception. I set the hook on jigs like the Hack.
  6. I'm trying to work out the difference between a Ned t-rig and a shakeyhead... In the surf, we had jig heads and bucktails, and they were jig heads and bucktails no matter the style or weight...
  7. Yes. There are no magic combinations. Sometimes neutral subdued colors work best, and others loud obnoxious ones do. Get out there and fish with whatever, they are biting (at least in this part of MD)
  8. Could only get a couple on a crank, and chatter, went back over the area with weightless t-rigged worms, and had a steady pick of small to medium sized fish for a couple of hours, and a few tell tale bed clearing bites. Time to get the frog rod ready.
  9. Depends on the type and diameter of line and the relationship between the spool diameter and those factors. With braid, you can fill into the bevel at the lip of the spool (I like 1/4 or 1/2 way up). With mono and fluoro (were I ever to spool with fluoro) you want to stop at the bevel, slightly less with larger diameter or stiffer line. For bass fishing, I wouldn't try to squeeze every last yard into the spool, no need, distance isn't usually a factor. For other fishing, particularly from shore or surf, distance can be everything, so it becomes more critical.
  10. Gizzard shad, called mud shad around here get bigger than the one pictured. They can be a problem as they become too large for all but the largest predators quickly in some places. Fishing spawns and growing YOY classes is a good (holding my nose) "pattern"...
  11. My favorite bait is the fish's favorite bait.
  12. I would fish a walleye style crank for white bass, or maybe a JB like a Long A. If you want to use a bass crank for some reason, Something with a longer body and a wider wobble fished slower or with sweep and pause retrieve. Match the size of the forage.
  13. If you are fishing sitting down, then with tip up it will work fine, I would weigh the JBs just a tad more than if fishing them tip down, or use a deeper diving one.
  14. Not a fan of it for JBs, like a shorter rod with a shorter butt for JBs. Had it out today, and it launched a Daiwa Peanut, KVD 1.0 and a small Speed Trap like a champ with 12 lb mono.
  15. I use the Sampos and burn in-lines a lot. I feel your pain, been there.
  16. Flipping or pitching? I flip with 25 lb Ande (sometime 30). I pitch with 20 BG or AN40.
  17. There should be no twist with a swivel. I would go with a short heavy mono leader and a good bb swivel joining the braid to leader. A slower rod that bends low is almost a must with trebles and braid.
  18. You are thinking of loctite red, blue is breakable when applied to clean dry threads, and threaded while wet. If you let it dry on one surface and lube the other it will just make the threading snug. Good question though. Now 5200 is permanent. You sound like my customers with The Campy Record equipped Pinarellos, "Sure I've been to 5 shops before yours, and my bike finally works great now, but you did it wrong"
  19. I'm still reeling and sweeping, but now I'm gonna go listen to the whole B side of Left Overture.
  20. I do the same with surgical tubing.
  21. Royale avec formage...
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