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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Size and weight of a lure, castability of the lure, required casting distance, and wind. There are some baits where either works fine, and others where one is better suited. I don't have a preference, I'll fish whichever works better on a given situation.
  2. That's how I do it most of the time for contact baits, if I feel something that might be a bite, or something feels different, I lower the rod and reel in the slack in one motion, then it either is or isn't, and either sweep, or keep fishing.
  3. Who am I to disagree with Rick Clunn, but I find 12 and 15 lb BG work great. I'm sure the diameter of the 15 isn't too different than some 17s.
  4. I find that a precision flat head screw driver works better than a split ring plier for those thin rings on spinnerbaits. You can also use a fingernail.
  5. Very good info. Rod/reel, retrieves, cadences, and feather lengths will require a completed SF86, and signed NDAs and Non-competes...
  6. 1970 called, It wants the hair doo back...
  7. I don't, but my brother does, Weightless and with a light weight, and catches with both.
  8. No, any lure I want to try, I try.
  9. Are you asking if they float? NO. Are you asking if they are designed to be fished on top? YES.
  10. I've got a couple of modified Pop-Rs that will outfish most Ricos. I had the perfect one modded out a few year's ago, it was bar none the best popper I've ever touched. I made the mistake of nicknaming it God's popper. It's nowhere to be found, and I don't know where it went.
  11. You can fish them on top like a spinnerbait, but no, they aren't "topwater"
  12. Don't know, would never do that.
  13. Haven't fished the evergreen, I have the pop-x, it's was just alright for me dog...
  14. Yeah, depending on the rod/line, it's going to affect each popper's action. Some almost want to do one thing, others are more prone to changes in rod action, and might be more versatile. Based on the projected vaccine schedules, and water temp trends, I propose late May or early June for the first annual MD POP-OFF.
  15. Not true. Smoothness and magnitude of drag are not related.
  16. No, no. This is LMB fishing, it is different, difficult, complicated, and unrelated to any other fishing... Haven't fished Lawn Guy Land in a long time, but we caught lots of big LMB there in several places.
  17. Less reading, more fishing.
  18. Looks good, but why so stingy with the mozz?
  19. Caught an 8 or 9 lb Koi on a crank (Norman Thin N) the other day, thought I must have snagged it, but no, it ate it. surprised the heck out of me, I've only ever caught them on flies and other tiny lures.
  20. I only own Pop Maxs and Ito 110s, both great baits, neither my fav in their respective category.
  21. Are you sure you are not looking at the subtotal on the TW cart...
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