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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. A brush or bullet head, Arkie second.
  2. No, the fewer lures I'm using, the more dialed in I am.
  3. Bad? Not if you are a gill, perch, mosquitofish, or any other critter looking for a meal.
  4. This is what I know, The E6X is the 3 Series BMW of fishing, and if I thought for a second that fishing with a top of the line crazy expensive rod would cause me to catch more fish than what I currently fish with, I would fish them.
  5. Nope, not that, no bat, no duckling, no tarantula... What was that topwater crushing at Fork?...
  6. "I see no need for the T-Wing for pitching fishing.. " FIFY
  7. Yup, those are the light wire Mutus. Circle hooks have even more variation from brand to brand and even from model to model, than most other hooks. MD DNR went to all circle non offset for bait fishing striped bass, I've seen circle hooks labeled 8/0 the same size as some 14/0s.
  8. No, you are being fooled by the angle of the photograph, the fish in your picture is not too much bigger than the OPs (as is the one from the post preceding it). I spent a lot of time with my IS shipmates going over photograph analysis while killing time out at sea.
  9. Saw a **** fight once, looked painful...
  10. No, size in mm. The hook should be sized to the bait, go with the largest that won't restrict it from swimming. If your minnows are up to 4" go with a smaller one, if your minnows are 4" and up go a little bigger.
  11. I leave plastics in their bags.
  12. Arturo Fuente, Romeo, AND Julieta just all rolled in their grave...
  13. No Dean & Deluca or Wegmans your way?....
  14. It stands for buying good brands and ruining them.
  15. I call your 8 year old thread, and raise you a 50+ year old lawsuit. What happened to Bomber is what happened to most other PRADCO brands. I feel your pain though, there are several lures, where I'll only go with the old ones. Try fishing shows and flea markets, that's where I find most of the ones I'm looking for. https://law.justia.com/cases/arkansas/supreme-court/1967/5-4308-0.html
  16. Looks like a P70 to me.
  17. "These are not the rods you are looking for, let them pass"....
  18. Are you sure it's not Ugly Tackle Inc?...
  19. Back out about 12-20 feet or so and each of you cast or pitch parallel to each other towards the reeds, anywhere between parallel and 60 degrees or so to the reeds. If you picture a grid of the water you are covering, it isn't much different than a single angler casting along the reed line, you are just sharing the water. Sure each cast will spend less time in the zone, but that's not going to be a significant issue. In situations like this, I find fish are in clusters, and you can do a long stretch and then circle back latter.
  20. That car was a race between the drivetrain and the body to see which failed first, my Chevy Vega (first car) at least knew it was never going to be a Vette.
  21. That would be the Cimarron...
  22. What makes it tip heavy? mass. What makes it feel tip heavy? the distribution of said mass. And all the Zombies standing on it...
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