LOL. I know the feeling.
As a junior Seaman, I was stationed aboard a Spruance class destroyer, which I selected because the fantail was the best suited for fishing. We bottom fished at anchor and trolled when the conditions allowed. The catching was usually not great, but we made the best of it.
We were doing boxes somewhere of the coast of the Carolinas at perfect trolling speed, and we were hooking more fish than usual, and actually landing some. It got better and better, and about an hour into it GQ gets called away for a main space class Bravo fire drill, well, let's just say I was a bit slow getting on station, and who walks by a deck above but the Skipper.
My Chief asks me after we secured from the drill "Where you fishing during GQ?" I sheepishly said yeah, That was a close call. Got off with a stern talking and a little EMI. The XO liked my answer when he asked "What were you thinking?" I said "It was awesome real fishing and a pretend fire. When we have a real fire, I'll be the first guy through the door, and they'll have to carry me out on my shield if necessary Sir".