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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I don't even know what to say...
  2. Paraphrasing from a "communication style" powerpoint slide: "-Transactional and literal, unlikely to carry a thought or deduction from one subject to another. predisposed to ciloing or stove piping concepts." I actually stuck up for the youth, and pointed out that ciloing isn't a word. It really is like 2 languages, NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!
  3. LMAO. Funny you would mention bikes, and you are right, it's not sport specific, the "experts" abound. They used to annoy me, now it's mostly entertaining. I coined the phrase "eminently confident, utterly incapable" at the bike shop a while ago. The look on the guy's face who thought he could straighten his derailleur hanger cause he saw how to do it online was priceless as he muttered "it shouldn't have broken off" over and over. We test mechanics for hire by giving them a bike (an inexpensive one) to build and pop some corn. The work stands are double sided, so I usually just look at my tech, and he gives me a nod, a shake, or a shrug. OP, uni to uni will work fine. Learn to tie something else or not. Fishing is fishing.
  4. Cinelli cork handlebar tape. Brilliant idea putting the locking nut on the front of a spinning rod just so it matches the BC ones. [sarcasm emoji]. Pretty much everyone is doing it.
  5. "Gas, grass, or bass, no one rides for free!"
  6. Buzzbaits, frogs, wakebaits and WPs are the only topwater baits I would consider using anything longer than 6'6" or so. Also shore fishing and long rods can be tricky in tight quarters.
  7. Unlike with spinning, I don't find major differences with casting distance between braid and mono with BCs. The difference will be magnified with the size of the lure. smaller lures favor mono, larger ones braid, all else being equal. 1/16-1/2 is too wide a lure weight range for one outfit IMNSHO.
  8. 46 Markley, (with 2 anchors and an unlimited blackfish commercial license).
  9. There is an old informercial of some outdoors writer or such fishing it like that. Twist lock widegap and a ragy plastic is how it's done in this century.
  10. Just because there is no water flowing, or doesn't flow often, doesn't mean that features weren't caused by water, what you are describing sounds like it was created by water flow. What folks call things like mentioned above is all over the place.
  11. Like JF mentioned above, the safety pin design acts as a weed guard in addition to being a frame for the blades. When brought through cover, it will come through much better. I don't use trailer hooks on spinnerbaits, If they are not committing to it, it's not the right spinnerbait, or spinnerbaits are not what I should be throwing. In sparse cover or open water, I doubt there will be a discernable difference with a swinging hook
  12. I'm sure it catches fish, but I want my hook to be fixed in relation to the upper wire, and I've never had a problem with either hook ups, or keeping them pinned when using a spinnerbait.
  13. Instead of selling, I'd turn that dwelling into a hipster coffee house/fixed gear bike hangout, and one of the neighbors can do the micro brewery.
  14. Whopper Plopper...
  15. I customize a light chatter by lightening the weight, putting on a big straight tail trailer and fishing it with heavy mono. It's almost a suspending chatter. Don't try this at home....
  16. The enthusiast focused retailers with the ridiculous return policies, the gazillion skus, and the satisfy the customer at any cost mentality keep getting in financial difficulties and get absorbed by the evil corporate grownups running businesses? I wonder why that keeps happening... I throw at least one guy out of the shop weekly, keeps me in the zone...
  17. That's going to be hard. Wire is cheap (I use Malin coils). You can also just crack the bead with pliers. I would rule out others things before going that route. Some combinations work better than others. Also, some spinners that have trouble starting up or run intermittently are sometimes what the fish want. I made one once that hardly spun, but kept getting bit when it wobbled like a spoon, go figure.
  18. Yes, for those Panther Martin style spinners, they like the blade up high near the tie. Those facetted beads can catch or disrupt the flow or cause pressure against the blade. I hardly ever put anything above the blade on most spinners. There is a lot of technical information online (pun intended) but a lot of it comes down to trial and error. Oh, and my grandma wants her pull chain back...
  19. Assuming there is nothing catching between the blade and the wire, the blade isn't bent or the bearing bead is not burred or misshapen, then it's most likely the beads over the blade causing the problem.
  20. Sounds like a carb clean/rebuild and new fuel lines and fuel filter if it has one. You probably want to look at the impeller and lower unit lube as well.
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