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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I don't go fishing for camaraderie, to enjoy the outdoors, to marvel at sunsets, or other miracles of nature. I go fishing to catch fish, so no one or no thing that hinders that comes along.
  2. Your fish has slightly more girth, and slightly less length, nothing in the order or 1.5 times. Impossible to tell by photographs due to perspective, and potential lens distortion, but if I was pressed, I would say MAGA's fish would weigh just a tad over yours. What difference does it make? You caught a big fish, many fish both bigger and smaller will be caught by others both known, and unknown to you.
  3. The fish in the picture with the guy in the plaid shirt is like 23-24". Those 2 fish are fairly close in weight.
  4. FIFY. OP, What are you asking? bass don't vary in density much. Their dimensions will determine their weight. Folks claim all sorts of things about their catches that has nothing to do with reality.
  5. Sounds like too many jigs with too little experience. I can tell cause I've fished with them for longer than I care to admit. WTT: experience for youth, willing to add cash to the deal...
  6. right now in MD, I could probably fill my bathtub and use a small popper and t-rigged weightless plastic and catch a couple of dinks. Every puddle seems to have them here.
  7. I've never marked a lure with it's weight, or weighed a lure for that matter.
  8. Were they brown? cause it sounds like they came from Uranus...
  9. In that condition, even though it isn't terribly common, it won't bring much.
  10. Put the jackplate all the way down and trim the motor down all the way and see what that does. If you don't see decent improvement, I'd look at how it's propped. Also make sure you aren't carrying a lot of extra unneeded weight (see how many senko color thread... ) Make sure there is not a water problem in the bilge. 115hps should be more than plenty for that boat, but checking on making sure there is nothing from getting all the ponies to the prop may be in order if still having issues, lastly cycling or triathlete fishing buddies might help . I wouldn't put too much credence on previous owner specs.
  11. I'd go with 200 lb braid, small nicks or rubbing will weaken braid. If you go with hollow braid, you can forgo the knot. We use 50 Wide Tiagras mostly. Sadly, sharking has not been great on this coast for a while. I like a heavy mono leader (400-600 lb) and short #19 single wire with a smallish hook. Good luck out there.
  12. Too much caffeine, and holding my arm at a certain angle causes hand shakes for me sometimes. Docs have ruled out anything obvious, I think it may be sugar level related as well in my case. Sucks getting old.
  13. With all the wind we've been having the larger Zell Pop has been my best popper so far. Usually I am throwing an Iovino Splash-it or a modified Pop-R at this time. Bloop and walk has been out catching spitting.
  14. For sure.
  15. Could be, also looks a lot like the KVD (and a bunch of others) too. OP, What's the blurry one in the background?
  16. Those look like knockoffs of a Yozuri (top) and Yellow Magic (bottom). Both should work well and look ready to fling.
  17. You are a limp, worthless, lazy rod who will never amount to anything. You and your entitled selfish reel friend are wasting your lives and don't appreciate the sacrifices we have endured for you. Grow up already and do something with your life!
  18. Not sure on those. Have the seller send you a pix of the back of the package, it will be on the sku sticker.
  19. Yup, Have done it on a bunch of handles. Takes a bit of feel not to over do it, but it's not that hard. If you can get a punch that matches the rivet head, that would be best. We have an anvil an a couple of vises (three if you count booze) in the shop, but anything solid will work in a pinch. So I would need some Jersey tools to install those handles?...
  20. I don't see anything missing. But then again, you are the only one who can answer that. What lures and cover are you fishing where your current rod(s) seem lacking to YOU?
  21. Can it be done with one rod and one line? Yes. Is it a good idea? No. Chatters I like heavy line 15 lb minimum (14 XT will work fine). Cranks other than square bills, It's 10 or 12 lb. Lipless and square bills 12-20 lb, all mono. 5 weight Dobyns is going to be too much stick for medium sized/diving cranks. Again, it can be done, just not the right tool. I only use a cranking stick for cranking. Square bills, lipless and chatters, a Fast or Mod Fast rod is what I pick up. YMMVBIW.
  22. Oh man, so disappointed. I came here to see a couple of Silverados beach seining...
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