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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Slimy, fish blood soaked cheddar spends just as well. Some of the biggest tips I've gotten were from the pool money I handed the winner. On the other hand, I've had guys try to hand me a $5 after a full day trip for the group.
  2. Mosquitofish are too small to be a bass staple. Sure in a niche situation it's the way to go, but that is not normally the first choice. That having been said, there are tons of things that do a good job imitating them. For those not familiar, picture a skinny female guppy.
  3. Spool up with some fluoro...
  4. I fish painted jig heads, cause I don't like handling bare lead. The fish don't care.
  5. There may be hope for you yet...
  6. Throw a marker on it, then anchor off it a bit. casting a few times as the wind pushes you by probably not the best approach. reel slower.
  7. Minnow colored stuff in the crappie box.
  8. That's hard, I have a bunch of plastics I like, but if I had to go with one, it's the trick worm.
  9. I get 27.25"x18.5", 13 lbs give or take 1/2 lb, the guy is 5'6". He is holding the fish into the camera for sure, but he is fairly square to the frame, and there is enough things in plane for scale. I'm gonna be in Norfolk next week, I'll have the ISs go over it and get a better estimate.
  10. I don't allow my guides to adorn the blank...
  11. Find the coolest water with the highest O2 concentration, and fish during cool periods early and late. Trolling will probably be your best bet during the hot months. Striped bass are cold water fish, and will go into a funk in the summer. Don't bother releasing any you catch, they will not survive when caught in warm water. Winter time and water temperature between mid 40s and low 60s around schools of bait is when you want to chase them. You can read them with most electronics, they paint solid arches on most FFs. How is it possible you don't have a thermocline?
  12. In your case, yes, but the opposite is also possible. The heavier wire hook will increase the ROF and decrease the action of the bait, as well as changing it somewhat. None of that is good or bad, just different, and it may or may not be what is desired at any given time, place, and condition.
  13. There are quite a few of these sites popping up. They advertise high $ popular items in many segments. For future reference, there is no way for things to be sold legitimately at these prices. Margins on sporting goods hard goods is not particularly high, so anything over 25% on a stocked, ongoing basis IS too good to be true.
  14. Not likely, but certainly possible for it to be done unknowingly. Much more likely deliberately as described above. I know of quite a few fish larger than the record caught by anglers who don't care about such things.
  15. That one clearly got passed QC, but unlike most here, I'm not a fan of the ones that do. I have started bending my trebles to that shape on some lures with good results.
  16. I don't think the hi vis line will deter fish from striking top water baits under most conditions, I DO think it may cause someone to miss fish by reacting too quickly. What I've settled on that works for me for top water hook sets, depending on the lure and conditions is to wait for the fish to come tight, or wait for the splash to end.
  17. I find over 80% of WP (110) fish are hooked on the front hook. Big ones usually have the rear one on the opposite side of the mouth, and smaller ones somewhere in the gill plate.
  18. So threw it last evening, and got 2 on it, one maybe a tad over a lb, and one just over 2 lbs. Only brought it and one other rod with a WP, and caught 3 more on that, 2, 3, and 5 lbs in about 2 hours. So much for big bait, big fish...
  19. I'm not sure one gets "consistency" from one line of rods, but of the 2 mentioned, the BPS for sure. Furies are good rods, but don't do somethings well at all IMNSHO.
  20. Patient: Doctor, the bass won't bite the frog. Doctor: Don't throw the frog. Try skipping a small weightless t-rig, and be ready as soon as it lands.
  21. Only if it is legal to harvest and transport in that other state. Darn Republic!
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