Not sure which one that is, but what I would do (or more accurately have done) is to find a body of the same weight and wire dimensions (both lengths and gauge) and slide those blades and hardware on it, and do the skirt while you are at it. Now you can experiment and find out what about that bait worked for you. I find with spinnerbaits, the blade combination (type, size, and spacing), and dimensions are usually what makes the difference. I have a set of blades that have probably been through 20 or more bodies that catches better than most, but when I get close, it works. Confidence in what a bait is doing is much better than confidence in a "magic" bait, and that applies to all types, but spinnerbaits lend themselves to tweeking.
I'm considering kidnapping Munkin, and chaining him to a melting pot Jesse Pinkman style, while he "cooks product" for me...