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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I use one of my salt fly rods and a spinning reel, but hey, I'm a rebel.
  2. "No respect I tell ya, no respect..." I don't know what makes him so funny with the cliche one liners, but he is one of the funniest guys ever. "my wife, I tell ya, she said she wants to go somewhere she's never been, I said try the kitchen"...
  3. I know LMB guys can't help themselves, but this is nothing more than crappie fishing with a slip bobber. KISS.
  4. No. The tackles' suitability to it's intended purpose isn't affected by where one uses it or the skill/experience level of the user, it only seems that way to that particular person.
  5. Third down from top of the line
  6. Super Spot on heavy mono.
  7. FIFY. 1/3 the rated voltage is a no go.
  8. And you said blackfish and not tog? case dismissed! I commercial fish those things, so I can relate.
  9. I feel like the cop in the interrogation room,... "so you are telling me you used Ande 50 lb leader?... for LMB?... In winter?... In Indiana?... and it broke?...
  10. fluorocarbon not strength, just the way it is no matter how many folks from San Diego try to jam their ideas through...
  11. Left tackle in her garage? Good on her for getting rid of the bum! Concur with mid to late 70s.
  12. Opinion: Only an Islander fan would do that. Too long, and too stiff for any not on the larger side. On the other hand, only one way to find out if it will work for YOU. Potvin Sucks!
  13. Patient: Doctor, my reels stop working right after I disassemble them. Doctor: Don't disassemble them.
  14. For when you aren't being strategic....
  15. Old guy PSA: You can take a tablet into the head with you...
  16. Like lobbing hand grenades...
  17. I don't calculate hardbait ballast.
  18. My Internationals and Senators from the 60s to 90s still see heavy use. My SS and Z spinning reels have been mostly retired. The current lineups don't fare well apples to apples against the competition.
  19. Randy B is going to have an aneurysm...
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