"You will be visited tonight by 3 spirits Ebenezer, the ghost of kinked backlash, the ghost of stress deformation, and the ghost of not (sic) strength. It's not too late for you, send Tiny Tim in all haste to purchase the 1 lb spool of BG in the window"....
I really depends on the specific body of water, it's location and the fish found in it. I find early to mid winter where I fish, small is the ticket, late winter to spring, bigger gets the nod, but there are exceptions. Hint: in cold water, pike and pickerel are active, even bite sized ones...
I use copper wire. If you use solder, get solid one without flux. If you wrap it tight, it will stay put, but you can make it permanent with glue or heat. Makes for a pretty good keeper too...
I'm not sure what you are asking seaweed. What you have will work. Depending on what and where you will fish, you may want to add other outfits, or not.
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