LOL. A Navy buddy (who happens to be Mexican) is all about the technology, and has Alexa, and all the gizmos at home and in the cars linked. He has his texts set to speech. I helped him with his recent move, when I was down in Norfolk in September, so I knew his routine. I texted him "Alexa, play la cucaracha" when I knew he was driving, and it played in his car. I made his house really cold too...
Before I get nasty mail, he deserved it, He didn't know who Steve Winwood was. Much better music appreciation now...
I had an old Cherokee that started with a tiny sag, then ran and sagged almost it's entirety. Had my wife, (then girlfriend) put sewing pins (with the colored heads) on it, looked like some 60s VW bug. That thing was a POS, but we loved it, and have great memories of it. We drove it around with a 12 ft car topper on a thule rack almost all the time. Ah, to be young....
No, The AR bearing not working properly will cause the handle to rotate backwards either consistently or intermittently and has no bearing (pun intended) on how much drag is applied at the time, two unrelated issues.
True story, brother rented a convertible sports car on a fishing trip to the Keys a while back, and closed the roof on the rod tube putting it through the rear window.
This^. Unless I'm throwing really big things, a 10/10 braid/mono Med spinning outfit can do most things. I don't know how guys can bank fish with an arsenal more suitable to invade Ukraine...
Answer 1) Don't even consider fishing with that unless you want to be responsible for the Earth ceasing to spin. Send it back immediately.
Answer 2) That is a minor issue that won't affect anything. Those are cork rings (you can see the joints if you look carefully) So it won't "run" any further than the joint. That was probably caused by the pressure of inserting the blank as mentioned by someone above, but guess what? it's now relieved, so just a quick fill with whatever (I like ground cork and Elmer's glue) and voila.
Flashback to back of leg sticking to Granma's couch, thanks...
Yeah, Don't click any links that pop up like that. It's your info and IP address that's the issue, not the website. Close browser, clear history, cookies, and associated files (easier said that done) and restart computer. Better yet, use a VPN, and hard wired internet.
Mostly pickerel, but depending on the time of year, also pike, crappie, snakeheads, rock bass, warmouths, green sunfish, striped bass, yellow and white perch, and more and more blue cats. I don't consider myself a bass angler, so I don't really mind the bycatch.
We've had 50s as a high for over a week. Been getting limits of dinks with an occasional real one mixed in. Got 6 today, square bill and the one that won't be mentioned, all shallow.
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