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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. I've landed small tuna, and large barracudas and jacks on 10 lb BG. If it isn't nicked, with a good knot and decent drag, it will not fail. I can fish 12 lb for bass with a locked drag, and not worry, and I almost feel bad for the bass with 15 lb. Same. I've lost trophy strippers to guys making twenties rain...
  2. I like the Aird-X better than the Fury straight up, might be because we bonded when I was down in Gulfport, and only had the one rod and caught everything from sunnies to redfish, either way both good no nonsense sticks.
  3. Yeah, I never understood the tool belt with the mallet hanging off the hip, or the hook with a point at either end, or the....
  4. I've been trying really hard not to buy a $100 gift certificate, and buy 3. LOL. Pad Choke...
  5. Then draw a hook eye with a tag of fluoro hanging out of it's mouth...
  6. LOL, yeah, no one was influenced by that...
  7. I like the current one better...
  8. There is nothing (including things not meant to be lures) that I can't catch a bass with. That being said, there are times when they will bite anything, and times when they will bite nothing. What I haven't caught on (and won't) is silly things like bats, tarantulas, ducks, and the like...
  9. With my apologies to George López; "Mas weight Gringo," "Will that work?" "Es mas puto!"
  10. Not a stupid question at all. (There is such a thing, unlike what folks will tell you). Taking weight off is just as legit as putting some on by whatever means. I find that I'm usually putting weight on more often, primarily when I want to keep the size or profile smaller. But there are certainly times when a lighter larger lure is desired. I have shaved heads on jigs, spinnerbaits and jig heads, usually with a pen knife, but a rough flat rock will work in a pinch. Another reason less weight is not as common is that a larger more resistant trailer will reduce the ROF, which is the objective of changing the weight around, so that is usually a quicker fix. Someone clue jigfishing10 in...
  11. If asking about hook setting, for me it's always on a tight line. If I detect a bite, in whatever form, I'm reeling down while at the same time sticking the rod into the fish, then when I have some pressure come back with the appropriate force for the tackle/situation. At this point it's automatic, not a conscious thing.
  12. Not to that extent. That area of 95 backs up at the best of times, and there is heavy commercial traffic in both directions. We used to live in Springfield, and sometimes it would be bad from there to almost Fredricksburg. I'm glad everyone was ok.
  13. This^. Short window by bunched up fish that want what they want, sometimes it's an improvised BFS underspin...
  14. Coincidentally, I was tying some pickerel flies, and had the same question. Saw a YT video on Clouser minnows by the man himself, and essentially, he recommended cutting the bucktail flush with the skin, then pinching it at the base, cutting it flush, then pinching the butt end and pulling out the loose ones from the tip end. Then pinching it so it forms an oval, then wrapping loosely and then coming around with the thread and pulling tight against the hook shank, not against the hair. Worked like a charm. I'll add that the size of the clump can make a difference too.
  15. Don't confront him, and speak softly, if someone distracts him, I'll go get the sedagive and jacket...
  16. It is seldom the case that the employee friendly, folks love to work there, we're all like family companies swallow the evil empires. That being said, change is inevitable, and often leads to unforeseen positive opportunities. Best of luck to you and your colleagues. Go in there with eyes wide open, a positive attitude, and whatever it is it is. You sound like a good employee, and great boss. Go get 'em!
  17. First step in the rod building journey should be in the direction of the optometrist...
  18. I'll second that in 50+ years of fishing, when it comes to bass, I have only opened a hook while pulling in a fish a handful of times. Matching the tackle and force applied to the hook is a part often over looked by some. I do fish light wire hooks sometimes on some baits, particularly lipless, cause I want them back when they get snagged.
  19. Hold it parallel to the hook, with a very slight gap between the pork and the barb and pull hard, rotate 180 degrees while maintaining pressure, and push it out while maintaining the same plane, sounds complicated, but it's actually really simple.
  20. "All gear provided" is intended for the casual angler, which makes up most of the clientele. The guide is going to bring his gear whether you bring yours or not. Most will have no problem with you using your stuff, assuming it is remotely appropriate. As suggested by others, a call ahead of time will help with coordination, as well as informing him as to your expectations and angling level.
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