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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. e) None of the above. It's fishing, we aren't trying to open up a giant telescope in space remotely, or killing Zombies....
  2. "Out here, In The Shop"....
  3. It's January, and my local spots are iced in, and encrusted in snow, so I'll play. "I can always crank slower" with the implication of "but not faster" in advocating for faster gear ratios is a public misconception. The slowest most folks can crank is 2 handle revolutions per second. If you are really good you may approach 1.5 RPS, but at that point, you will progressively be advancing the handle in discrete start and stop, choppy increments. And all y'all "I'm a righty but want a leftie BC reel" guys stand by..... And the "get the longer rod" crowd too....
  4. Hate thieves and lima beans, love guacamole.
  5. If it's anything like the burgers, I'll pass...
  6. I'm going to find a fluoro I like,........... NOT!
  7. Move along, nothing to see here....
  8. It's a reel not a fidget spinner, so I just fish with it, and if it works, it's "smooth" enough. If it becomes less smooth over time, I service it.
  9. Sure it can be the ticket at times, but I would need to have someone hold my belt and shoe laces...
  10. No, you are preaching to the choir, I buy all sorts of spinnerbaits and SB bodies on sale or shows, and mod the blades and skirts, comes to less than a couple of bucks each. I just found the "$9 is cool, but $9.50 no way" thing funny. The Booyah Overt, Ommit, Oblong, or whatever they're called are on sale for less that $3.50, I might need to splurge on a few...
  11. Animal fur makes for good jigs, and I'm sure they work in cold water, but to me, when it really gets cold, it's hard to beat marabou and hackle. I'm thinking of starting a bait company named distemper, or maybe hip dysplasia.
  12. Did you know that Tupac Shakur was named after Tupac Amaru (The second)... And..... Ditty or whatever he is calling himself these days did Biggie dirty...
  13. Scoundrel is a smaller more subtle bait than the ones you tried before it. I'm guessing that made the difference, but it could be a number of things. I try not to attribute a reason as to the why until it can be repeated. Too often the tendency is to give credit to a particular lure or color, and more times than not, that is in fact not the case. What I won't do very often when I'm not catching (yeah, like that would happen ) is try different brands or colors of similar baits, I'm going to something different and taking it from there, and I always let the fish drive.
  14. Cypress Hill is a real place...
  15. First I google the lake, then watch YT videos on it. Folks just can't help themselves. Watch videos from the same time of year as you will be fishing. Get a chart of the lake to get an overview, and develop a plan A, B,C, etc. And most importantly, once you get there fish your strengths, and listen to the fish.
  16. Yup, how smooth a drag is is often much more important than "maximum drag" which is often a marketing number. I can turn the star drag on most any BC shut with pliers (I've done it on my frog rod), and claim any number I want.
  17. I figured. OP: 3kg of drag is enough to fish for any bass, and 9kg is enough for most things. https://www2.southeastern.edu/Academics/Faculty/wparkinson/help/metric_units/lesson_index.html There is going to be a quiz...
  18. I know what TV 4k is, but what is drag 9k?...
  19. Yes. I find they are not particularly fast, and slightly underpowered for the label, not a bad thing.
  20. I've seen similar problems with some dual brake reels.
  21. They didn't call deep pile carpets shag for nothing, Yeah baby!...
  22. Without a picture, we're just guessing.
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