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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. That is the prevailing consumer sentiment, and every consumer has the right and freedom to purchase (or not purchase) anything wherever they choose.
  2. No dirtier than consumers shopping around. Retailers sell things for the most they can, consumers buy them for the least they can, and meet somewhere in the middle.
  3. No, we've crossed that bridge. The printing will continue, it will get spun into something that doesn't sound like printing (again). The incorporating the cryptos into the main stream economy is going to be interesting, as will how long the dollar can remain the defacto world currency standard. I did a short stint with CitiCorp in the 80s and got a peek behind the curtain, it's all monopoly money in the end.
  4. I keep asking them about brands, but they just want to talk about size, profile, action, ROF, and occasionally color...
  5. "Houston, we have a problem"
  6. In 2022, just like every other year, I don't decide what to throw, the fish do.
  7. Pros get "known" for a particular type of lure or presentation, but none are one trick ponies, it doesn't work that way.
  8. Stop thinking like a boomer, I wanna show up and catch bass...
  9. You don't need a glass rod for cranking, you need a rod with good power, moderate action, and a slowish recovery. Yes glass rods will do this, but so do graphite and composite rods. The larger, the deeper the crank, the more important this becomes. Line selection also plays a big part, that is often overlooked.
  10. On a given trip, ideally one, but usually a handful. Over the span of a season, maybe 20 or so.
  11. Your title says lost confidence in feeling the bite, but the body of your post suggests you aren't being bit. FOMO on bites is over blown. Even if you are missing more than you should, you will feel most of the fish that bite if you are on fish. The whole "if I don't have an NRX and Tatsu, I'm at a disadvantage" hurts the mindset of a lot of inexperienced anglers, (and some who should know better). Just like a ball player, find a batting cage, and take some cuts.
  12. I'm watching football, I will opine in the AM.
  13. I wouldn't reverse line every year, but when I do, I use 2 fly or saltwater conventional reels. Some guys build a stand, but I just do it free hand. A drill and 2 arbor jigs works too, but I find that more work.
  14. Long range planning is like #6 on my "You know how I know you don't fish?" list. Loop knot is pretty high up there too. I was "planning" to go today, but ice had a different idea.
  15. If it's sticky bottom, a break-away grapple is the way to go. I volunteer to dive for any stainless ones with matching chain left at the bottom... I'm looking for a retirement/vacation place, and I may be up that way in the spring.
  16. très gauche...
  17. They come in all sizes, and most will have no problem, bringing up chain and anchor. The "correct" procedure is to idle the boat up to it, not to winch it up. You can set up multiple switches if you are really going to be anchoring a lot. I would also suggest a float ball. Its all on YT, as are all things these days.
  18. Glad they got everyone ok, but if God wanted us ice fishing, he wouldn't have made Isla Morada
  19. Back Country maybe? Never heard of Backwoods, and all I can think of is I'm fishing for trout on a river bank, and Ned Beatty comes rushing down the path yelling "run!"....
  20. I almost always rig them tail up, no particular reason other than that's how I've always done it, and it works. I will say that when they are really biting, I will rig the same tail upside down when torn, and if they are really biting then on the right side, and then the left. Most things I've read suggest tail down.
  21. I would say yes, but then I'd have to go to confession . I had to check to make sure I wasn't conflating With Matthew on feeding the masses.
  22. No, That would be 153, John 21:11
  23. A trace of mono doubled up will work for threading rubber. I just use a large barrel swivel, cause I have a bunch from the salt.
  24. "Throwing them around a bunch of cover" jigs are marketed as flipping jigs (even though most folks pitch them). Jigs designed for swimming on the other hand are marketed as swim jigs. ps: There is no duck in duck sauce, nor lobster in lobster sauce...
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