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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. Rod and reel, GTG, line choice, not so much...
  2. Maybe for some (or most), but I know for me it's about catching fish, the fishing is just a necessary step towards that end. I often hear about the stages, "catch something, catch a lot, catch big, etc" Not in my case. I also get the being out in nature, the sunsets or sunrise, comradery, etc, I do quite a bit of that at times, just not when I'm fishing, then it's all about the fish. Same with drinking, it's funny, cause all my fishing buddies think I don't drink, and all my drinking buddies think I don't fish.
  3. Blade on eye is what you want, but since it's a patented feature, other companies do it differently. Can you have a bladed jig with a split ring that works ok? Sure, but it won't be as good.
  4. I got lucky and had good weather first week of the month, and did well, good thing cause things went down hill after that, and the next couple of weeks aren't looking good. Good luck.
  5. I haven't fished in your neck of the woods in over 20 years, and it was good then, but if it's as bad as you say, I'd get a NJ license and hop on 78...
  6. Don't know, don't care, it's a bunch though.
  7. It's marketing. Unlike arrows, ammo, and other things that are required to have standards, rod spec confusion, and the associated hype promotes greater sales.
  8. This^. Convergence is a hefty rod for it's rating.
  9. Yeah, that shouldn't be too difficult, but why? You aren't likely to sell many. "dinosaurs, had their chance"...
  10. Wow, was kitchen sink taken as a board name?....
  11. To me, fishing square bills and other similar shallow cranks isn't "cranking". The rod for these shallow baits varies depending on many factors, and I think a cranking rod would be out of place for them.
  12. LOL, don't sleep on matching 401k and TSP.
  13. I may actually have enough open water to catch a couple tomorrow. Gonna try anyway.
  14. Ok, I think, we were discussing cost of living adjustments for pensions and the like, someone mentioned 3.5% which is inaccurate for '21. Private sector employment is all over the place, winners and losers.
  15. 2021 SS COLA is 5.9% no? If you are getting less, there is/are extenuating circumstances.
  16. X2, Honor, Courage, Commitment.
  17. LMAO. "Pretty please, with sugar on top..."
  18. As soon as the ice clears...
  19. To each according to his lures, from each according to his casting ability....
  20. I don't believe that maximizing margins constitute "gouging", I also believe that retailers are not in the business of justifying prices, or pricing policies and strategies. I am not standing up for businesses, just stating a point of view. Full disclosure, in addition to being a consumer, I am also a retailer of sporting goods, and have been in the industry in one form or another for over 35 years, (not in any significant way fishing, thank the Lord). I get it that consumers don't want prices going up, duh! But I also get that businesses, including those that sell tackle and cut hair are there to make money.
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