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Deleted account

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Everything posted by Deleted account

  1. There is a cast net?....
  2. A kayak angler opining on equipment choices is like, ....well, a kayak angler opining on equipment choices. What is more novelty than a roto molded pointy wading pool....
  3. You're welcome.
  4. I would second the idea of just going with one line. for joining lines of similar diameters, the Alberto isn't a good choice. A blood, or uni/uni will probably works best. You have to be careful with not damaging the fluoro when cinching down. Try 4 turns, and lubing it well when tying, might need to go to 5 turns, but probably not.
  5. There's a website....
  6. I threw a cast net once and filled the livewell with spinnerbaits in one throw...
  7. White works well, but so does every other color.
  8. Yeah, there's always a way, but a decent jig head is like a buck or two. A better picture of that stub you got there will help. It would have probably been easier to get the original setup to work, but experimenting, and trying things is how we learn, so I commend you for that.
  9. I stole the Gordon Ramsey's cream of broccoli, and adjusted it just a tad, works great with asparagus too. Seafood bisque, or cream of crab is pretty good too. My egg drop, and pork chop yat gaw mein get good reviews. I make chicken nice (noodle and rice) soup and have that down to 30 minutes from scratch. I really like beef barley, but the wife doesn't so I don't make it often.
  10. LMB. Ya'll are scaring me.
  11. I see it as not all FC's (sic) and mono's (sic) of the same diameter having the same pound test (labels).
  12. Richest country in the world is 17th in math...
  13. Probably using a faster stick.
  14. ARB is gunked up or has too much/too viscous lube. Run them clean, almost dry, with a really light oil in winter. Most reels will do this, some are more prone than others.
  15. I can only listen to so much lisping, so I haven't seen much of their stuff lately, but a faster reel works ok with lipless baits, and unlike with real cranks, can work ok with squarebills, specially if one is moving the baits wholly or mostly with the rod, and using the reel to take up slack. I personally like a 6. something for squarebills, and that or a 7.something for traps.
  16. Apparently Hagerstown DOES have a drug problem...
  17. You are allowed to fish in those. I've done well in Little Creek. This was in Gulfport. I fished through GQ on a ship once, and somehow talked my way out of it...
  18. You should go by diameter with all lines. 20 BG will work fine, 25 or 30 might be better under some conditions. Any good mono or copoly will work. Don't worry about stretch, as you go up in lb test, it is less and less of an issue.
  19. I actually have a NJP page 13 for article 92, (30 restriction, 30 extra duty) for fishing on base golf course. The fishing was that good.
  20. They both "move" or "jump" 1/1000th of an inch. You may be thrown by the way the bottom number is displayed, or the fact that the upper number has one more significant digit, or public education... I was always told Lauden and Fairfax had good schools....
  21. There are Zombies buried in the sand traps...
  22. I see what you are trying to say, but what is actually going on is that in Japan lines are labelled more accurately, period. There is not a lot of strength difference between different polymers of same diameters. Elasticity and elongation properties will distribute forces, so those factors can appear to do so, and indeed create real world advantages, but the physics is the physics. Labelling in the US is mostly driven by marketing.
  23. Any creek, stream or river, big or small, permanent or temporary, that flows into the body of water in question is a tributary. I don't think the tariff thing applies...
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